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How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - Printable Version

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How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - AlperShal - 2023-08-10

Hi! Sometimes content I am downloading are having metadata written in some other languages than English. I would like to ask if there is a way to bulk/batch/mass edit the metadata of that album's songs?

Forgot to give an example. Like the genre is written as "Рок" instead of "Rock". How to bulk edit it to "Rock"?

RE: How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-10

I know Winamp used to let you bulk edit metadata. I think the revived Winamp has the same functionality. Maybe MusicBrainz Picard?

RE: How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - AlperShal - 2023-08-10

(2023-08-10, 08:47 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: I know Winamp used to let you bulk edit metadata.  I think the revived Winamp has the same functionality.  Maybe MusicBrainz Picard?

I am really sorry I just pre-assumed that people would understand I was asking this for a server usage. Like I host lots of files on a Linux server and I want to bulk edit them (CLI applications would be okay too). Downloading everything and re-uploading would take lot's of time. My upload is pretty low.

RE: How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - bitmap - 2023-08-10

MusizBrainz Picard is a server application that processes your data in place.

RE: How to bulk/batch edit music metadata? - AlperShal - 2023-08-11

(2023-08-10, 09:38 PM)bitmap Wrote: MusizBrainz Picard is a server application that processes your data in place.

Oh I missed that. Yeah that could have been a fix thanks. For future readers: I have found FFMPEG can edit metadata so here is two shell commands that can do this via ffmpeg or ffmpeg docker:

for i in *.flac
    ffmpeg -i $i -metadata GENRE=Rock output.flac; mv output.flac $i

This one first prints the current genre tag, changes it and prints the changed genre tag.
set GENRE "Rock, Alternative Rock";
for i in *.flac
    docker run -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3-alpine -i $i - 2>&1 | grep "GENRE"
    sleep 0.5
    docker run -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3-alpine -i $i -metadata GENRE=$GENRE output.flac
    mv output.flac $i
    docker run -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3-alpine -i $i - 2>&1 | grep "GENRE"
    echo ========