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Trouble setting up media with portainer - Printable Version

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Trouble setting up media with portainer - ap9 - 2024-06-04

Hi everyone,

I previously ran jellyfin on a Macbook pro running ubuntu which was working perfectly fine but i wanted to experiment and do more with my hardware so i installed arch linux and docker to learn how to use containers. So I downloaded docker and portainer and began to follow the guide at jellyfin forum portainer guide . Everything seems to be working fine but i cant access all of my media located on a external hard drive(ext4). I thought it was a permission issue so i used
sudo chmod -R 777 /run/media/admin/vol1
Is there something I could have setup up wrong? Im able to read files on the internal hard drive, just having trouble accessing the media on the External hard drive

my jellyfin log is at

RE: Trouble setting up media with portainer - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-05

Is there an ACL on any of the directories in that path?

RE: Trouble setting up media with portainer - ap9 - 2024-06-05

(2024-06-05, 12:49 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Is there an ACL on any of the directories in that path?
running getfacl returns this, if that was what your asking
[admin@arch ~]$ getfacl /run/media/admin/vol1
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: run/media/admin/vol1
# owner: 755
# group: 139

RE: Trouble setting up media with portainer - pcm - 2024-06-05

jellyfin logs seem fine, sounds like a portainer config issue ...
Unfortunately, i don't know enough about portainer to be able to help. Portainer just sounds like a niche product for those who don't want to deal with CLI Smiling-face ...
My guess is that your problem might be caused because you have not mounted/exposed the external-hdd volume correctly to your container. So the jellyfin server running inside the container not able to access it, as a result.

Does portainer give you a way to generate/show you the underlying dockerfile/docker-configuration for your container ? If so, then sharing that would be helpful to futher troubleshoot your issue.

RE: Trouble setting up media with portainer - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-05

You would have to check all the directories in the path. If there is one, it is probably on /run/media/admin.