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10.9.4 slooooow - Printable Version

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10.9.4 slooooow - abpjf - 2024-06-05

is it just me or is 10.9.4 as slow as molasses? _everything_ takes way longer to execute, searches, metadata updates/scans, (browser) page refreshes... I'd downgrade/revert to the previous version, but users are forced to update server version to .4 once the (Windows) Jellyfin Player itself updates.

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - thornbill - 2024-06-05

I definitely haven’t noticed any slowness or seen any other reports of slowness. 🤷‍♂️

(2024-06-05, 04:50 AM)abpjf Wrote: I'd downgrade/revert to the previous version, but users are forced to update server version to .4 once the (Windows) Jellyfin Player itself updates.

I think this is not true. afaik Jellyfin Media Player only requires >= 10.9.0 in its recent releases because APIs are being used that do not exist in earlier versions.

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - Nerokor - 2024-06-05

I've observed a delay in search results since upgrading to 10.9.x across all instances of Jellyfin (Jellyfin Media Player, Android TV, and Android Phone). Specifically, when searching from the main page, it now takes what feels like an additional 4-6 seconds to display results compared to previous versions. However, if I navigate to a specific library, such as Movies, and perform a search for a movie I'm interested in, the results are returned at the same speed as before.

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - 34626 - 2024-06-05

It may sound like a Windows issue, but it could also just be a bad configuration of something - Can you confirm if the plugin NextPVR is installed in Jellyfin? If, please disable it and remove it.
Else thing i've heard about is TrickPlay, but the first mentioned solution fixed the troubles i had :-)

Else i would recommend you to use the official docker image of Jellyfin :-)

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - fromage9747 - 2024-06-05

I can confirm that searches now take forever since upgrading to 10.9.x. I can go make a cup of coffee before seeing the results of my search. Reminds me of the days before SSD's when booting Windows. Turn on PC, make a cup of coffee and then sit down to work. FYI, my Jellyfin instance is running in a Docker instance on Ubuntu Server.

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - ThomasPGH - 2024-06-10

The first run of keyframes and chapter images extraction took ages to complete.



RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-10

(2024-06-10, 07:10 PM)ThomasPGH Wrote: The first run of keyframes and chapter images extraction took ages to complete.

Depending on how big your library is and your server specs, this is not probably not unusual.

RE: 10.9.4 slooooow - ThomasPGH - 2024-06-10

(2024-06-10, 07:18 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote:
(2024-06-10, 07:10 PM)ThomasPGH Wrote: The first run of keyframes and chapter images extraction took ages to complete.

Depending on how big your library is and your server specs, this is not probably not unusual.

Yes, both completed in under a minute when run the second time.