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Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - Printable Version

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Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - Forced - 2024-06-05

Hello everyone, I seem to have an intermittent connection to my Jellyfin server from the android app. Worked great the first time, and has connected a few times since; but most of the time does not connect despite trying every trick in the book.

Plain and simple I've set up Jellyfin on my home computer and it's running great with a few media items to test out. I have correctly connected to it from my android phone a few times and it operates, plays as it should, etc. Problem is, I can close the app on my phone and re-open, and no matter what I can't get it to connect anymore. Randomly some time later, it will work, connection goes through, but then I lose it again and get mostly "unable to reach server". Same with a browser on the phone.

This is sitting right in front of the host computer, local network, with no changes whatsoever happening on the host machine. JF is up and running no problem.

Coincidentally, I've been trying to use Microsoft Remote Desktop Client app to reach out to this home computer as well with more or less the SAME issue: Login credentials and connection is correct. The connection comes through initially, but subsequent connections are most likely to be "connection not found" until eventually even days later it works again.  

I'm wondering if these are related and perhaps has something to do with my router? I have followed about every "connection troubleshooting guide" I have found for both Remote Desktop and for Jellyfin: Manually allowing the apps through the firewall, manually ensuring the appropriate ports are open and not being used by more than one connection, wireless network is set to "Private", incoming connections are allowed where pertinent, I've gone through the Advanced settings on my router but unfortunately I do have one of the hokey Spectrum routers with a variety of automatic "precautions" built in. I've at least disabled those safety settings on the router but at this point I'm still assuming it has to be causing some trouble.  

Either that or connecting to the server on an android device is just pathetically unreliable?

I would appreciate any other things to try. Reddit has been a great source to troubleshoot connection issues but unfortunately I've tried everything I found there and the admins have shut down the Jellyfin sub page.

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-05

What version of Jellyfin server are you running? This sounds like a bug that was present in 10.9 and 10.9.1 but was fixed in .2 and later releases.

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - Forced - 2024-06-06

You're right it does; but I'm on the latest version; 10.9.4

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-06

Can you share your full Jellyfin logs via pastebin?

FWIW, all my devices reliably connect to Jellyfin, including on my Pixel 6a. So let's figure out why yours isn't.

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - Forced - 2024-06-06

Hmm OK, I've not used pastebin before but here's a shot:
Edit: Second log:
I've now confirmed my Jellyfin is working with the Roku app; but the strange thing is I can't connect to it on my phone's browser either. But perhaps the Remote Desktop problem I was having is unrelated after all.

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - geebx - 2024-06-06

Try putting your home computer/jellyfin IP address into your router's DMZ and see if there's improvement with load times.

RE: Connecting to my JF server is inconsistent. Tried every "help trick" I've found. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-06

The only thing that stands out are these.

[2024-06-04 22:58:17.453 -06:00] [WRN] [29] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketConnection: WS "" error receiving data: "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake."
[2024-06-04 22:58:17.464 -06:00] [INF] [29] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS "" closed

But those aren't uncommon and not 100% indicative of a problem. Having said that, I only see those messages in my log from my Android TV device when it goes to sleep.