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Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - KodiUser1138 - 2024-06-06

Just upgraded the TV boxes to the new(er) Telus Optik TV Andoid boxes with the main intent to be able to run the Jellyfin Android TV app on them. Once all the kinks were worked out with Telus (ugh but that's telecoms for ya) I have the JF app installed on the box. Now the issue is I cannot connect to my running server. I enter the IP exactly as shown on the JF ios app that works on my phone but the TV box cannot connect. It shows that it has tried both http: and https: but still returns nothing.

I am running JF 10.9.3 on my server on a Windows 10 PC connected to my LAN network handled by my own router. IU use a different port than the default JF 8096 and the port is forwarded through my router.

The Telus box is connected through ethernet and I believe that runs through the Telus modem which my router sits behind. So the TV boxes and my server do not share the same LAN.

I have no issues connecting to my server through wifi on my LAN of through cellular service on my phone. I can also connect from outside my home trough other internet connections on my phone, the web browser, the JF media player Windows app and Kodi as a client.

I am trying to get this JF solution working for my mother who lives with me as she can't live on her own anymore and she's extremely technologically incapable. I had Netflix and Amazon Prime working before (Netflix included in the TV package and Prime because I like fast shipping, I pay for neither actual service) but holy moly is the selection ever limited and terrible, especially for the content I can actually get mom to watch. So having this as a part of her TV which she can kind of function sometimes is the best solution not requiring input changes to different remotes etc.

Just trying to understand why the Telus box can't see my server. Will be attempting to connect to a friend's server to see if that might work.

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-06

Are you using the LAN IP on the Telus box? What happens if you use your public IP/domain name? It sounds like they are on separate subnets that are not bridged.

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - KodiUser1138 - 2024-06-06

(2024-06-06, 02:29 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Are you using the LAN IP on the Telus box?  What happens if you use your public IP/domain name?  It sounds like they are on separate subnets that are not bridged.

I use the public IP that I use to be able to connect from outside the LAN (as well as inside so everything runs the same way).

As mentioned in the prior thread I have no DNS or pihole or other sorts of configurations because I'd have to Google what most of those are!   Smirking-face

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-06

At this point, I seriously doubt Jellyfin or the Jellyfin for Android TV app is the problem. Something is going on with that Telus box. Are you able to look at the network configuration of the Telus box to see if there is anything strange going on with the DNS config or IP address?

I really don't have a lot of information to go off of other than the Telus box is doing something out of the ordinary.

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - KodiUser1138 - 2024-06-06

(2024-06-06, 02:50 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: At this point, I seriously doubt Jellyfin or the Jellyfin for Android TV app is the problem.  Something is going on with that Telus box.  Are you able to look at the network configuration of the Telus box to see if there is anything strange going on with the DNS config or IP address?

I really don't have a lot of information to go off of other than the Telus box is doing something out of the ordinary.

I don't think there is that sort of accessibility within the box itself. I did try connecting to another server outside my own ecosystem and experienced the same failure.

Attempted to connect the second Telus box to my JF server and got the same result. Traced both connections lines and as I thought the first box attempted is connected via ethernet to the Telus modem istelf. The second box tested goes through ethernet to a converter to coax which runs back to the Telus fibre box directly. I haven't attempted to move the first box ethernet from the Telus modem to the router, which would in theory put the Telus box and JF server on the same LAN, but not sure if that would matter when trying to use the public IP.

Telus is currently unavailable for technical support. I'll add the the other apps on the box have been working, Netflix, Prime, YouTube specifically. So the box has internet access.

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-06

Definitely involve Telus tech support. They are definitely doing something to prevent access to your Jellyfin or LAN.

RE: Jellyfin Android TV App on Telus Optik Android Box - KodiUser1138 - 2024-06-06

I somewhat resolved the issue. Telus tech support wasn't likely to be much help. Once I finally got through to someone they questioned the quality of the app and tried to lay blame there. While talking to the rep and being by my network gear I decided to move the ethernet going to the bedroom where I want the box to connect to my server from the port directly in the Telus modem to one in my router. I went back to the room and checked the TV service still functioned properly, which it did, so I started up JF and it instantly found the server on the LAN and I could log in, browse and watch all content. So it works, but only on the LAN, which is good enough for now. If in the future I need to circle back I'll at least know what bases I've covered.

Thanks for taking time to offer advice and support, as always!