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We're good, seriously - Printable Version

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We're good, seriously - joshuaboniface - 2024-06-06

This message was posted to our OpenCollective here. However, their page layout leaves a lot to be desired, with the post being very far down the page. So it is reproduced here for posterity.

We have quite a budget collected over the last 5 years, and while we're really happy to see so many in the Jellyfin community contribute to us, we want to ask you to stop!

No, really. We don't actually need your money. At least, not here and now.

We have over $24,000 in the bank, and with average monthly expenses of only ~$600, that's over 40 months (3.3 years) of runway! So, we have plenty of money for the near future.

Thus, at this time, we want you to seriously consider donating to the authors of Clients you use, instead of (or in addition to) the main project. Client support is the hardest part of the Jellyfin ecosystem to keep going, and most of them are maintained by only a single person or very small team. With the API changes in 10.9.0 and the upcoming 10.10.0 releases, they're going to be very busy trying to keep up, and thus could really use your support in a way that the core project here doesn't right now.

So, if there's a client you use every day and that you love, consider finding it's author in our list of official clients, and sending them a little something instead (or too).

No, this doesn't violate our policy of "no paid development", because donations are just that - donations. We will still not honour bug bounties or similar, and still not use our collective finance here for paid development. So don't feel like you're doing something wrong, you're not!

I'll leave this notice up until we drop to ~1 year (12 months) of remaining runway, at which time we can re-evaluate where we're at.

Happy watching!

RE: We're good, seriously - SethBacon - 2024-06-06

Seriously someone send neils some cash for asprin at least. Alternatives include OSPCA so our leader doesnt get mauled by rabid dogs on the street

RE: We're good, seriously - kagetsu - 2024-06-07

This posts shows the character in this community. I will be donating to two authors personally soon. Thank you all for being awesome.

RE: We're good, seriously - akirby83 - 2024-06-13

Thank you for the list.  I very much want to donate to Jellyfin since it's awesome, but I've read in the past you don't really need the money.  I'll see if I can find some individuals.

RE: We're good, seriously - Host-in-the-Shell - 2024-06-13

I see the list of clients provided in this post does not have the people working on the WebOS version. Is it because it is too closely linked to Jellyfin Web? I just want to know so I could directly support those who work on it since I use the WebOS client as my main.

RE: We're good, seriously - thornbill - 2024-06-14

(2024-06-13, 09:44 PM)Host-in-the-Shell Wrote: I see the list of clients provided in this post does not have the people working on the WebOS version. Is it because it is too closely linked to Jellyfin Web? I just want to know so I could directly support those who work on it since I use the WebOS client as my main.

It is mostly just web. Dmitry does most of the work specifically to support webOS and Tizen but it doesn’t look like they have Sponsors set up currently.

RE: We're good, seriously - xenago - 2024-07-22

Thanks for this post. I have been meaning to set up recurring sponsorships rather than one-time, so this was a great reminder to finally do so

RE: We're good, seriously - aorth - 2024-07-23

Good to know. What are the official expenses for the project? Is it just infrastructure stuff? I support a handful of Jellyfin devs on GitHub since I saw your last post about funding on reddit last year. Happily!

RE: We're good, seriously - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-23

@aorth - The expenses are listed on the project's open collective.

Almost entirely infrastructure expenses and occasional developer device purchases (one time $300 device budget for development and testing).

RE: We're good, seriously - 34626 - 2024-07-24

Thanks for the list, will look into it - I would say its easier the project sent money to the developers, so we as users could just focus on the Jellyfin project :-)