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SOLVED: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - Printable Version

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Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - bg_man - 2024-06-07

I've setup the containers with yaml script and with image linuxserver/jellyfin:latest as I saw it in lot of examples.
When start jellyfin app shows warning that I need to upgrade to continue using app.
Obviously the linuxserver image is outdated and a lot versions beyond when I checked the site.
So I've changed the image to jellyfin/jellyfin:latest. Update went trough but after that I cant login with broken token message.
So I get back to linuxserver image.

How I can resolve this issue? Smiling-face

RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-07

The official jellyfin/jellyfin image and the linuxserver/jellyfin image are not interchangeable.

Having said that, linuxserver does have a 10.9.6 image so they aren't running behind. What is probably happening is that docker is being "sticky" and isn't actually checking if you are on the latest linux server image.

Do the following.

Stop your jellyfin container.
Run "sudo docker image prune -a". This will remove the jellyfin image docker is currently using.
Start your jellyfin container. Since we removed the existing image this will force docker to actually check and retrieve the latest jellyfin image.

RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - bg_man - 2024-06-07

Thanks! Will that keeps the existing config?

RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-07


RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - bg_man - 2024-06-07

(2024-06-07, 05:47 PM)bg_man Wrote: Thanks! Will that keeps the existing config?

I followed the suggested steps (stopped container, prune it and ran the yaml script again) but the jellyfin version is still 10.8.13-1-ls247.
Here is the log:
jellyfin    | [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
jellyfin    | [21:25:42] [INF] [1] Main: Jellyfin version: 10.8.13

The image is:
 image: 'linuxserver/jellyfin:latest'

Prune result:
Deleted Images:
untagged: jellyfin/jellyfin:latest
untagged: jellyfin/jellyfin@sha256:918f9....

Any suggestion?

RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-07

Switch out "latest" for "10.9.6"?

RE: Problem updating Jellyfin container on QNAP - bg_man - 2024-06-07

(2024-06-07, 06:57 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Switch out "latest" for "10.9.6"?

Thanks! Updated to 10.9.6ubu2204-