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JF doesn't scan libraries - Printable Version

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JF doesn't scan libraries - elihonsil - 2024-06-08

(i) I have a server with ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
(ii) Everything was perfect until I updated JF 10.9.3 to 10.9.4. on 03/06/2024.
(iii) Tracking libraries does not work.
(iv) When I click on the bol to scan the libraries to update new movies, music, etc., nothing happens.
(v) This runs in any browser, in the app and on the TV.
(vi) all permissions on all folders are set to 777.
    (vii) I've already updated directly through the server and JF is with version 10.9.6 and nothing. Some guidance on what may have occurred in the JF 10.9.3 to 10.9.4 update. On 03/06/2024, where did it all start?

RE: JF doesn't scan libraries - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-08

Can you share your full jellyfin server log via pastebin?