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SOLVED: Audio Normalization task stuck at 0.0% - Printable Version

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Audio Normalization task stuck at 0.0% - Nerokor - 2024-06-08

I'm on Unraid using docker linuxserver jellyfin version 10.9.6

I've used every iteration of 10.9.x and this problem has persisted.

I haven't seen anyone mention this, so I assume it's a quirk of my setup. When I start the task, the logs show no activity, even when it appears to be running (the only time the logs show anything is when I cancel it). The longest I've let it run is about 6 or 7 hours while I've slept; I've done this a few times with different updates. While the task is running, the CPU usage does stay high, as if it's in use, at around 30% CPU usage - but I have no indication it has done anything, and it consistently reports 0.0%.

[10:35:26] [INF] [120] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Attempting to cancel Scheduled Task Audio Normalization
[10:35:26] [INF] [88] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Audio Normalization Cancelled after 0 minute(s) and 4 seconds

RE: Audio Normalization task stuck at 0.0% - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-09

How big is your library? Mine took about 90 minutes for ~4400 songs. See my signature for system specs. The progress bar jumped from ~3% to done right when it finished.

RE: Audio Normalization task stuck at 0.0% - Nerokor - 2024-06-10

Thanks to this, I was able to figure out the task would just take a long time. Having no feedback on its progress after having it run for many hours made me think it wasn't doing anything, but after roughly 24 hours running, it finally completed. Thanks for the help!