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Issue accessing JF server through certain apps after network update - Printable Version

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Issue accessing JF server through certain apps after network update - .futurepirateking - 2024-06-09

Hello all, ive been using jellyfin for the past year or so now. i have had it set up with a separate unRAID NAS with an accompanying quicksyinc box that host jellyfin on docker containers alongside jellyseer, and all of this is through my NGINIX Proxy Manager with outside internet traffic coming from a cloudflare domain.

the past year or so, this has been working great. ive been able to access my media on all devices and my family can as well, we had no issues regarding connecting.

but recently, i updated my network. before i was just using a router from my ISP. i had since purchased a pc that i set up with opnSense and also purchased a managed switch and some APs. I set up some vlans and got my servers and pc all up and running. internet is working, im getting a hang of firewalls, and i even was able to set up jellyfin through Ngnix PM. 

well, at least i thought.

i feel like my case is weird, so ill start with the problem and then tell you the weird scenarios. my problem is that i cannot connect to my server through the JF app on my iphone or ipad while im on the wifi network (doman, not direct IP). my cousin also cannot connect to my server through his xbox in another location. BUT i am able to connect to my server (domain not direct IP) when im on cellular on my JF app on my iphone. also when im on my WIFI i am able to connect using the web browser to my domain. its just the JF app that wont let me.

Thanks in advance, if i need to share more info, let me know!

RE: Issue accessing JF server through certain apps after network update - Mel_Gibson_Real - 2024-06-09

Its been a while since ive done this but look into NAT reflection, or setting a custom DNS address for your server.
Im not a network guy but my understanding is firewalls dont like being told the remote site they are looking for is actually them. Setting NAT reflection would just reflect to request to the server without going through WAN translation.

Not sure about the xbox issue though.