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Plug-in Settings vs Server Settings - Printable Version

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Plug-in Settings vs Server Settings - docsuess84 - 2024-06-11

I have OSMC running on a Vero 4K with the Jellyfin Addon running in Addon mode and the playback of files is stopping every 30 seconds or so and looks like it’s buffering very slowly but these are MPEG 2 files and shouldn’t be resource intensive at all. If you pause it and hit play again it will resume without issue until it stops again. I have everything running through a gigabit capable router using Cat 6 cables/gigabit switches. Network congestion over the LAN should not be an issue so I’m curious if it’s Kodi settings vs Jellyfin settings. What settings should I be checking on the server side in order for a Kodi client running in addon mode to direct play files vs settings on the Kodi side? The media scanning and library management aspect seems to work great, which is what I was really after in the first place. I just need to resolve whatever my bottleneck issue is. I don’t have logs at the moment but I can try and post some later.

RE: Plug-in Settings vs Server Settings - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-11

Can you share your jellyfin server log via pastebin?

RE: Plug-in Settings vs Server Settings - docsuess84 - 2024-06-12

RE: Plug-in Settings vs Server Settings - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-12

Jellyfin is not transcoding, and it looks like you disabled transcoding so its not possible.

[INF] User policy for "Kids". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: False EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: False EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: False

So any issues are either network related or the client not being able to decode fast enough.