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Jellyfin Playlists - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Playlists - Zestyclose_Car1088 - 2024-06-12

All my music playlists were working fine, but they are no longer working after a recent update. 
Worked on 10.9.3 but not working on 10.9.6

I can see the playlists in the library but they are not displaying any items and don't play...

The playlist are .m3u files and I've tried deleting and recreating but to no effect.

Anyone else experiencing this?

RE: Jellyfin Playlists - kandykarter - 2024-06-12

I don't really USE playlists so I didn't notice this until now, but I checked and the small handful of playlists in my music library all display as empty.

For reference, I'm using 10.9.6 in a docker container.

RE: Jellyfin Playlists - Zestyclose_Car1088 - 2024-06-13

(2024-06-12, 02:52 PM)kandykarter Wrote: I don't really USE playlists so I didn't notice this until now, but I checked and the small handful of playlists in my music library all display as empty.

For reference, I'm using 10.9.6 in a docker container.

Are your playlists m3u or xml?

It seems like the issue might have been introduced with the 10.9.6 update, as playlist were working fine with 10.9.3

It's a significant bug