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Some files not playing due to audio track - Printable Version

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Some files not playing due to audio track - christiaanvdlaken - 2024-06-13


I have been using Jellyfin for half a year now and building up my collection. I noticed that some movies won't play and quit due to too many errors. I can't really understand what is happening since there doesn't seem to be a correlation betweer the types of audio tracks between the films that fail. I've included one log, maybe someone could help me with what is going wrong.  

I have my tv connected to my amp via optical.

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-13

What client is the TV running? And does this problem only happen on the TV?

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - christiaanvdlaken - 2024-06-13

Yes only on the tv, it has android tv 11 and I play it through the app installed on there. If i cast it through the mobile app using casting it does work which seems odd

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-13

In Jellyfin on Android TV. On the Jellyfin home screen click on the gear in the top right. Go to playback. What do you have for the downmix settings and DTS/Dolby passthrough?

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - christiaanvdlaken - 2024-06-13

Under audio i have bolby digital-audio bitstream and DTS-audio bitstream enabled. Is that what you mean ?

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

Yeah. Try unchecking both? And set downmixing to the appropriate max for optical cable supports. 5.1?

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - christiaanvdlaken - 2024-06-20

I tried unchecking but that didn't work initially. I changed some setting on the android phone app. under clientsettings i set video player type to integrated player. Now it seems to work but it seems strange because I would think those are settings for my android phone ?

I don't really understand the following, could you explain?
And set downmixing to the appropriate max for optical cable supports. 5.1?

RE: Some files not playing due to audio track - theguymadmax - 2024-06-20

Optical only supports 2 channels of uncompressed audio (PCM) and up 5.1 channels of compressed audio (Dolby Digital, DTS). Your log shows that it's not downmixing your audio and is sending 7.1 AAC audio, so there's one issue. Try this in the client Playback->Audio ->Audio output -> change that to "Downmix to stereo" and see if the file will at least play.

Another issue, it's transcoding from hevc to hevc, pointless unless you have limited your resolution/bitrate. Can you post your client logs when you try and play this movie?