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Newbie in need of help for backup - Printable Version

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Newbie in need of help for backup - pol77 - 2024-06-14

Hi all.

I'm completely new to NAS, QNAP, Containers, Jellyfin and Linux. So you probably understand that I know nothing of anything needed here.

I have recently purchased a QNAP TS-873A and have sucessfully installed and ran a Jellyfin container which I populated with my movies and after spending many hours cleaning up and correcting the metadata, I realized that I have no way of backing up my configuration / metadata.

I then found out that I should have made a bind to the local host for /config but now it seems to be too late. I have tried all I could think of but I have not been able to access the files in the container volumes.

Is there a way for a newbie like me to do that so all my work on the Jellyfin installation will not be in vain?

I would also love to be able to access the files needed to customize the logos etc.  I have used CSS to customize the logo for a browser, but the Android TV App does not support CSS and I would love to be able to have the custom logo there as well.

Finally, I have an Nvidia Quadro P1000 coming in the mail to be able to play 4K files. Will that be as straightforward as it seems from the Dashboard/Playback/Trickplay or is there more involved?

Many thanks and huge gratitude to any who take the time and have the patiente to guide a newbie.

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

You'd have to open a shell for your Jellyfin container and copy the contents of /config to a path that you've mapped to a host folder.  Once you've done that, map /config to a permanent folder on the host and then move the contents you copied earlier into that new host path.

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - pol77 - 2024-06-14

Hi and thank you for your answer.

Would you please be able to explain how to open the shell to the jellyfin container?

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

I don't have a QNAP NAS. My understanding is that you have to SSH to the NAS and then run this command.

sudo docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - pol77 - 2024-06-14

Great, thanks once again....

With a lot of googling, I found this exact command and did exactly that.
I also found the required commands to navigate the directories and copy.

Unfortunately, the only host folder that I have mapped to this container is my films and it is mapped as read only, so I cannot copy the config folder to host.

Is there a way / set of commands to access other host folders or make container folders accessible from the host?

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

You should be able to just map another folder, any folder, to the container and move stuff there.

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - pol77 - 2024-06-14

Actually, I found a command to copy directly from the container to a share on the NAS.

Here it is for anyone who needs it in the future!

sudo docker cp Jellyfin:/config /share/Storage

Where Jellyfin is the name of the container and Storage is the name of my network share on the NAS where I wanted to copy the config.

All files coppied!

Now, if I delete this container and create a new Jellyfin container where I bind the config folder to a host folder, then copy the files I jsut extracted, will I in essense have done a full restore, including the metadata and all?

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

In theory, yes.

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - pol77 - 2024-06-14

Do you mean that I may not have actually gotten all the needed files? It looks like 19574 files with a total size of 4.72GB.

RE: Newbie in need of help for backup - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-14

The config folder contains everything permanent for Jellyfin. It is the only folder needed to migrate from one install to another.