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Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - Printable Version

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Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - Power_Lab_Gaming - 2024-06-15

Hi all

I'm new to home lab and media servers and want to know how well the new Ryzen APUs (5500GT specifically) transcode and tone map 4K HDR/DoVi content. I have a large bluray collection I want to put on a server, but need the pcie lanes for a 10Gbps card running pcie x4 and 4 nvme to sata adapters running out of another pcie x16 slot( it is 4 nvme to 5 sata port adapters for a total of 20 sata ports using all 16 lanes). Mainly what I want to know is if the CPU will handle transcoding a 4K HEVC HDR/DoVi file to 1080p SDR and what the quality will be, or if I should mix and match the adapters with the motherboard's nvme slots and get a descrete GPU( looking at the A2000 12GB) and maybe run it in x8 mode if it is supported. I know the 20 sata ports are overkill, but I want to mirror the boot, cache and apps pools(will be using truenas scale or unraid) just for peace of mind and so nothing gets corrupted. Sorry if the post is a bit jumbled.

RE: Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - nyanmisaka - 2024-06-15

For one or two 4k->1080p tonemapping it is usable, but the encoder quality on AMD GPUs has always been poor, especially the H264 encoder.

RE: Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-16

You could re-encode your collection to something that doesn't need transcoding.
Instead of a raid mirror, you might consider an offline backup array. It's more tedious, but it is safer for your data and may free up enough PCIe for a GPU.
Also, I don't know what all you intend to do with this server of yours, but you don't necessarily need to use CPU lanes for the sata ports. They should be fine running through the chipset for something like Jellyfin.

RE: Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - Power_Lab_Gaming - 2024-06-16

Hi the sata ports are on a lsi raid card that uses 8 pcie lanes with 4 lanes for the chipset another 4 for the NIC and 8 other lanes for the 2 NVME SSDs. I want to know if the integrated graphics in the APU will handle transcoding and tone mapping?

RE: Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-16


RE: Ryzen 5500GT transcodeing and tone mapping support - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-16

nyanmisaka said it will work, but the results may not be great.
I personally can't speak to the quality or capabilities of the APU.
I was simply intending to give you some options other than relying on the APU.