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TV Folder Structure has changed? - Printable Version

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TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15


Really strange one. I've put loads of TV shows on my NAS and its always being the same file structure wise. However just put a batch on tonight and now season posters are saved not in the season folder, but in the top folder, also the episode images are no longer saved in a "metadata" folder, within the episode folder.

Before for the last 6 months;

*old file structure*

and now only for new entries added today;

*new file structure*

Am I going crazy, is this new structure how its meant to be now?

Edit; If I select replace all metadata it changes old shows into the new sorting format, It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have so much custom art work, specials data etc.

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-15

Why does each episode have its own folder? I don't see that in our docs as a supported show structure.

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15

(2024-06-15, 07:18 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Why does each episode have its own folder?  I don't see that in our docs as a supported show structure.

That's Filebots Jellyfin file structure. I haven't modified anything.

That wouldn't change where things like the Season folder image goes though would it? Or why the metadata folder is gone in each episode file for these newly added shows, or why suddenly now after 6 months of use etc.

Outside of the episode folders, which file structure does your instance use? Smiling-face

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-15

Like this. As stated in the docs I linked.

Gunsmith Cats/
└── Season 01
    ├── s01e01.mkv
    ├── s01e02.mkv
    └── s01e03.mkv

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15

It's strange but I thought the problem would be massive, if this is caused by filebot as many people use it. If the season image has changed both location and name (from "folder" to "season01-poster") that would indicate a change in the code?

I mean if I refresh all metadata now it also knows to take away the "metadata" folder Jellyfin creates for the episode images (that filebot has nothing to do with).

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15

Looking into it, it seems -poster and -thumb are file tags are the correct way, so I'll just refresh the whole directory and reapply the artwork. At least everything will be correct then. No idea why the old file structure set like that, or worked like that for so long. I had no idea it was wrong, even a hard refresh only recreated the same structure until today.

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - theguymadmax - 2024-06-15

The metadata folder seems to be a mistake that was recently fixed.

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15

(2024-06-15, 08:43 PM)theguymadmax Wrote: The metadata folder seems to be a mistake that was recently fixed.

Ah interesting, thank you for that. Good that it's fixed in one sense, bad in that its going to take work to fix a problem I never knew I had lol.

On a side note all my custom art work is backed up, I was thinking of changing the names to these new tags "Season02-Poster" and copying it in to my Jellyfin folders to save going though 230+ tv shows. Only problem is with windows rename when I go to rename all the "Season1-Poster" say, it adds a (1) to the end of each file. Is there anyway around this when re-naming many files to the same name in windows 11? (there not in the same folder, but are in the same search screen when I go to rename, all my backed up season art folder.

RE: TV Folder Structure has changed? - Hostile_18 - 2024-06-15

Edit: Found a third party program to rename all my art work. Sorted now, cheers. Smiling-face