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Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - Printable Version

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Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - velun - 2024-06-20


I have a large library and I would like to activate chapter images and trickplay but I don't know how much space they take.
I thought of testing on some smaller libraries first checking the results and deleting them if I don't like but I can't find a delete task and they are stored in /metadata/library/*/id/chapters so I can't delete them manually..
So the question is how can I delete them?

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-20

Since you already understand how they're stored in the config folder, you could just search for all of them and delete them at once if you want to delete them all. If you want to delete specific trickplay or chapter files, you'll need to look at the url when you open a video or movie in Jellyfin on a browser. The url has a string of code that matches the folder path to the metadata in the config folder.

Also, trickplay files are currently stored alongside the chapters. So once you find an entry for an episode or movie, there will be two folders side-by-side named "chapters" & "trickplay".

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - velun - 2024-06-20

I can't delete them all at once, that's the problem. They are not all stored in a single chapters folder and then in subfolders. And having to make a script to search in every folder and subfolder for those two folders (chapters and trickplay) it's not a solution at least when I have such a big library. I found other discussions about being able to set a location for this and that some option will be added so you can save them in the media folder but that still doesn't solve my problem and anyway for me, they are read-only anyway. There should be an easy way to set where they are stored and an easy way to delete them.

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-20

Good news is that for both trickplay and chapter metadata, only the folders contain their names. The actual files are only made up of numbers.

On Windows:
  1. Open the metadata/library folder in a windows explorer page.
  2. There, use the explorer's search tab and search for "chapter" or "trickplay". This will pull up all folders that it finds in the current directory and all of its subdirectories.
  3. When the search is done, just hit ctrl+a to select all the folders and then press delete.

On Linux:
  1. Navigate to the metadata/library directory.
  2. Use the "find" command to search for all folders either named "chapter" or "trickplay". Refer to the Linux man pages if you need help with how to set it up.
  3. Pass the list of found folders to a command that will delete them recursively.
Also for step 2 for Linux, the "find" command does support deleting items it finds if you want to do it in a single line.

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-20

This should be what you want  to delete trickplay images on linux:
find /var/lib/jellyfin/metadata/ -name trickplay -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
The exact path on your system might be different, but this is what it is on mine.
Do note, while I am confident this work as it should, I didn't test it because it took me days to generate my trickplay images and I don't want to delete them...

I don't know if it is this simple, but based on my system, trickplay takes up about 25 MB 2.5 MB per hour of footage (using whatever the default settings are/were). So that might allow you to ballpark the required space?

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - velun - 2024-06-21

Thank you for that that's the info I needed. A quick calculation on one of my small servers that means 1Tb of data.
Considering that I cannot set only this to another SSD that's a no-go for me. Anyway this seems like a bad design option from the start, maybe it will get better in the future.

(2024-06-20, 09:58 PM)mildlyjelly Wrote: I don't know if it is this simple, but based on my system, trickplay takes up about 25 MB per hour of footage (using whatever the default settings are/were). So that might allow you to ballpark the required space?

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-21

(2024-06-21, 09:15 AM)velun Wrote: Thank you for that that's the info I needed. A quick calculation on one of my small servers that means 1Tb of data.
Considering that I cannot set only this to another SSD that's a no-go for me. Anyway this seems like a bad design option from the start, maybe it will get better in the future.

(2024-06-20, 09:58 PM)mildlyjelly Wrote: I don't know if it is this simple, but based on my system, trickplay takes up about 25 MB per hour of footage (using whatever the default settings are/were). So that might allow you to ballpark the required space?
There has to be a typo with the 25MB per hour of video.

The default trickplay settings (320px w/ 10sec intervals) should produce around 2MB to 4MB per 24min video.

I even increased my trickplay settings to 464px & 8sec intervals. I currently have around 4000 24min episodes and like 30ish movies. Trickplays took up about 17GB for me.

Going off of your self-estimate of 1TB, you're realistically looking at somewhere between 200GB-400GB of trickplay files alone if you use the defaults.

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-21

Yeah sorry, actually use Efficient_Good_5784's numbers because as it turns out, my interval is set to 1 second...
I do remember now, when I switched trickplay generation over to use hardware acceleration, I switched the interval from 10 seconds to 1 seconds thinking it was the delay between trickplay generation, not the time between each frame. Upside-down-face

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - velun - 2024-06-21

Yes, you are right. I've tested on a 1:30 anime movie and got like 6 JPGs totaling 5MB on default settings. Are the default settings for trickplay ok?
Another quick question anybody knows how I can get rid of the chapters from the play bar?


It appeared after I upgraded to 1.9.x and it's showing in libraries that don't have Chapter images enabled. I'm guessing it's another setting but I don't know what and where is it.

RE: Deleting Chapter and/or Trickplay Images - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-21

Personally I am fine with the size and quality of the trickplay images. 10 second intervals should be enough. If I were to remake mine, I would probably make them 5 seconds, but 1 second is rather silly; I can basically just watch the show using the trickplay... The only reason I changed the settings is because it was still running even after 36 hours. That's when I enabled hardware acceleration which made the process reasonable (though had I left the interval at the default, it probably would have been much faster).

Your screen shot is of chapters, not chapter images. Chapter images are basically like trickplay images, but you only get one per chapter.
I'm not sure if there is a way to hide chapters though.