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SOLVED: Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - Printable Version

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Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - Iskelderon - 2024-06-20

For some reason, this single-season show ends up with the episodes in the complete wrong order and the season is listed twice, as Season 1 and Season Unknown.

I've already disabled all metadata sources but MovieDB, had the Jellyfin 10.9.6 web UI rescrape all metadata (including images) and it still occurs.

G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E01 - Liberation Day.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E02 - Dreadnought.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E03 - Breakout.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E04 - The Deception.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E05 - The Sanction.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E06 - Visitor's Choice.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E07 - The Overlord.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E08 - The Dissident.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E09 - Reflections in Terror.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E10 - The Conversion.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E11 - The Hero.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E12 - The Betrayal.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E13 - The Rescue.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E14 - The Champion.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E15 - The Wildcats.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E16 - The Littlest Dragon.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E17 - War of Illusions.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E18 - The Secret Underground.mkv
G:\Video\V (1984) [tmdbid-75893] [imdbid-tt0086822]\S01\V - S01E19 - The Return.mkv

Instead of the correct episode order from they appear as the following in both of the duplicated season entries:

V - S01E01 - Liberation Day
V - S01E19 - The Return
V - S01E18 - The Secret Underground
V - S01E17 - War of Illusions
V - S01E16 - The Littlest Dragon
V - S01E15 - The Wildcats
V - S01E13 - The Rescue
V - S01E11 - The Hero
V - S01E10 - The Conversion
V - S01E08 - The Dissident
V - S01E07 - The Overlord
V - S01E06 - Visitor's Choice
V - S01E05 - The Sanction
V - S01E04 - The Deception
V - S01E03 - Breakout
V - S01E02 - Dreadnought
V - S01E12 - The Betrayal
V - S01E14 - The Champion
V - S01E09 - Reflections in Terror

And I include the IMDB ID in in the path in addition to the MovieDB ID since I've bad weird effects in the past where it seemed to have mixed up entries if only the MovieDB ID was there.

IMDB also has the correct episode order, so that shouldn't lead to some weird conflict either.

RE: Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-20

In Jellyfin, on the series click on "..." and then Edit Metadata.  Change the Ordering to DVD order.


"Intended Order (DVD)" has the ordering you want. The one you are currently getting is the original air date ordering.

RE: Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - Iskelderon - 2024-06-20

(2024-06-20, 06:04 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: In Jellyfin, on the series click on "..." and then Edit Metadata.  Change the Ordering to DVD order.

"Intended Order (DVD)" has the ordering you want.  The one you are currently getting is the original air date ordering.

Thanks, I've tried that now, but to no avail. 
Tried multiple sort entries, first without a complete metadata re-read and then with, all times without a change.

The section from the log was too long for the forum, so it's on

RE: Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-20

First try ctrl+F5. I had a similar issue the other day with King of the Hill and it was just the browser caching the original air date ordering. A full refresh pulled down the corrected DVD ordering.

If that doesn't work, remove folder from your library, rescan the library to remove the entry. Add it back and try again. Sometimes metadata is "sticky" after you make changes.

Also, change the season folder name from "S01" to "Season 1". And remove the IMDB ID. Jellyfin doesn't use them.

RE: Duplicated season with jumbled episode order - Iskelderon - 2024-06-20

Moving it outside, rescanning the library, renaming the folders, moving it back in and then changing the sort order from the show list before opening the show itself both fixed the sort order and removed the errant Season Unknown duplicate.