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Collections within collections - Printable Version

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Collections within collections - MrMain - 2024-06-20


I am kind of new to Jellyfin and so far, I love how streamline the interface is and rather straightforward it is to set-up.

I have a question though, I don't know if it is possible but, I would like certain collections to only appear in another collection without showing up in the root of the collections.

For example, I have a collection for the 3 ninjas franchise (3 movies in the collection), I also have a collection named "kids movies". Instead of putting all the movies in "Kids movies", I would rather put the 3 ninjas collection in kids movies to decrease the clutter. Is there a way for the 3 ninjas collection to only appear in the kids movies collection and not at the root of collections ? 

I put my idea below, it might help understand what I am trying to do.

- Collections
   - 3 Ninjas Collection <--- Hide
   - Kids movies Collection 
       - 3 Ninjas Collection

I haven't found a solution so far, I tried hidding 3 ninjas collection with tag but off course, it disapears from the kids movie collection as well. 

I tried using playlists instead of collections for the 3 ninjas collection for example, it works but I don't like how playlists are displayed, without the full poster of the movie.

RE: Collections within collections - mildlyjelly - 2024-06-20

I can't answer your question, but I am wondering if a Kids Movies library would work?

RE: Collections within collections - MrMain - 2024-06-21

The problem with a library is that you can't group movies by franchises, only in collection or by making playlists.

RE: Collections within collections - MrMain - 2024-06-21

I found a different solution by creating a second collection library.

I followed this post on the old jellyfin reddit page :

You can manually create a second collection library by copying the first and renaming it, you then have to add the new collections manually in the files but it works. I now have 2 collection libraries, one for the parents and one for the kids and I can display only the kids to my kids profiles.