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Can't read symlink files - Printable Version

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Can't read symlink files - nero519 - 2024-06-21


I'm trying to figure out why my Jellyfin setup can't read symlink files, I'm following this guide to locally mount my debrid files through rclone on a new path /mnt/jellyfin, no problems there, the file exists on my machine

[Image: iDt4I8I.png]

I add my new path to my current Jellyfin setup

[Image: K3ntl10.png]

[Image: BeBZc6J.png]

[Image: hpvKJKX.png]

and I can even see my files from my container's terminal

[Image: qYyvpzW.png]

but when Jellyfin tries to read them, it gets this error

[Image: fbAwuDH.png]

When I access them directly I can read them no problem, this only happens for Jellyfin. I assume this is a docker config I'm not familiar with since this is my first time working with symlink files in general.

update: the fix was simple, instead of mounting "/mnt/jellyfinConfused-facemnt/jellyfin", I just used "/mntConfused-facemnt", after that everything worked great, jellyfin can read symlink files no problem

RE: Can't read symlink files - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-21

AFAIK, Jellyfin ignores symlinks for individual files. What happens when you symlink a directory instead of the individual media files? My kid's library used to be a folder of symlinks to approved shows/movies and the folder symlinks worked. But that was in 10.8. I haven't tried folder symlinks in 10.9 yet.

RE: Can't read symlink files - nero519 - 2024-06-21

(2024-06-21, 02:48 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: AFAIK, Jellyfin ignores symlinks for individual files.  What happens when you symlink a directory instead of the individual media files?  My kid's library used to be a folder of symlinks to approved shows/movies and the folder symlinks worked.  But that was in 10.8.  I haven't tried folder symlinks in 10.9 yet.

Since the symlink files are being created by an app (rdt client) I suspect is not possible to modify this behavior Confused-face

I'll keep looking for a solution, thanks for your help!

RE: Can't read symlink files - nero519 - 2024-06-26

Post updated with solution for future reference