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Streaming issues on LG TV - Printable Version

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Streaming issues on LG TV - waxjee - 2024-06-22

Hello everyone,

Since the release of the Jellyfin app for LG TVs, I’ve been streaming movies from my Jellyfin server, which runs on an UNRAID NAS, without any issues. However, for the past few weeks, I’ve been experiencing some problems on my LG C9 65-inch TV.

Here are the issues I encounter when trying to stream a movie:

1. The movie plays smoothly for a few seconds, then the picture freezes while the audio continues.
2. The movie doesn’t load properly, showing the movie wallpaper and loading screen for a few minutes before timing out.

These problems occur whether the movie is in Directplay mode or being transcoded. Interestingly, streaming a simple 5-minute cartoon works perfectly fine.

Even movies that previously worked without any issues are now unwatchable.

The movies that don't work on the LG TV stream without any problems via the browser or the Jellyfin Android app.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues or have any tips on how to troubleshoot this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance.

RE: Streaming issues on LG TV - waxjee - 2024-06-22

Here is a FFmpeg Remux Logfile of a movie that starts playing for 5 seconds, then freezes but the sound keeps playing.

RE: Streaming issues on LG TV - toytown - 2024-06-22

Do you have "Throttle Transcodes" enabled? If so trying turning it off and giving it another shot.

RE: Streaming issues on LG TV - waxjee - 2024-06-22

I turned it off, but it didn't help.

RE: Streaming issues on LG TV - Ereb_Zx - 2024-06-22

Try disabling prefer fMP4 container in Settings/Playback

RE: Streaming issues on LG TV - waxjee - 2024-06-23

That was really the solution to the problem.
Many many thanks!
But why is it like that? It worked normally like that before.