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Swiftfin Cache Settings? - Printable Version

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Swiftfin Cache Settings? - docsuess84 - 2024-06-23

Is there a cache setting in Swiftfin I’m not seeing like there is in VLC? I’ve been trying to fine tune my file transfer speed issues, and files that had a hard time playing in Swiftfin and VLC with the default setting were cured by bumping the latency setting up to high on VLC, but I don’t see a way to adjust that in the Swiftfin settings.

Actually I spoke too soon. I just went to play one of my other troubleshooting files and it couldn’t keep up on VLC either. All the same, does that setting exist?

RE: Swiftfin Cache Settings? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-23

AFAIK, that is not available on any Jellyfin client. How high of a bit rate are these videos and how are your Apple device and server connected to your network?

RE: Swiftfin Cache Settings? - docsuess84 - 2024-06-24

So in another thread we ruled out Jellyfin itself through some logs. The issue had to be a file transfer bottleneck on my LAN. I’m not sure about the bit rates, but another factor that made a night and day difference was unchecking the “Prefer Samba 1” option in VLC. I haven’t been able to duplicate the issue on my iOS devices in VLC since I did that while Swiftfin’s performance remains unchanged. I kind of figured it had to be a Samba configuration between client devices and the storage drives connected natively to the host 2012 Mac Mini. Most of the problem media was stored on an external USB 3.0 HDD drive so I thought the bottleneck was a USB driver issue within Linux or a bad cord or something, but then again, it depended on what device was the client. I ruled out the USB issue by moving my test files onto the internal HDD drive and there was no difference. I was even having an issue with DVD rips but it was inconsistent across client devices running two different versions of an integrated Kodi OS (LibreElec vs OSMC). LibreElec plays flawlessly regardless of file or drive location. OSMC clients have struggled with files played from the host hard drives, iOS devices as well until the Prefer Samba 1 was changed. My other NAS devices serve files as Samba shares across the network to any device with no transfer speed issues. So something is screwy with the Samba protocol settings between my client device running OSMC and my hard drives mounted locally to my Lubuntu host Mac Mini but served as network Samba shares. It’s not the Wifi, and it’s not the Ethernet.

RE: Swiftfin Cache Settings? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-24

Can you share your ffmpeg and jellyfin logs via pastebin and provide a video name that you had issues with (to make it easier to find the log entries).

RE: Swiftfin Cache Settings? - docsuess84 - 2024-06-24

Are the FFMpeg logs separate or is that all one thing?

In any case, here's a log. Files I've been using to test playback is The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode 1 for a tv show, and Falling Down for a movie. Playback is fine on my LibreElec client through the Kodi Plug-in but both stumble and freeze up in Swiftfin on the iPad, despite being direct play all around.

RE: Swiftfin Cache Settings? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-24

Go ahead and submit a github issue on the Swiftfin git.

On the server side, everything looks fine.