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SOLVED: Intel QSV inside Docker via Proxmox LXC? - Printable Version

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Intel QSV inside Docker via Proxmox LXC? - hov - 2024-06-24

Hi I was looking for a guide on how to setup Intel Quick Sync Video with Jellyfin via a docker container inside of a proxmox LXC. I couldn't find anything exact to my needs but took pieces from other places and made it work. Yes I did browse the documentation

1. Run command inside LXC: getent group render | cut -d: -f3
Resulting for me as 104

2. Edit LXC conf file via proxmox host (mine was nano 200.conf)
2A. Add the following to the end of your LXC conf file:
dev0: /dev/dri/card1,gid=44
dev1: /dev/dri/renderD128,gid=104
2B. Restart LXC

3. Match my jellyfin docker-compose to be similar to the example listed in the following link. Specifically include the group_add and devices sections.

4. Update my jellyfin docker container with this new change

5. Run: docker exec -it jellyfin /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/vainfo
Confirm good

6. Run: docker exec -it jellyfin /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -v verbose -init_hw_device vaapi=va -init_hw_device opencl@va
Confirm good

6. Enable Intel QSV in transcode settings and test successfully

Anyways, just wanted to confirm that I'm doing this correctly. The transcode works perfect for H265 files inside a web browser for jellyfin. Just wanted to see if there's anymore more efficient or easier? Thanks

RE: Intel QSV inside Docker via Proxmox LXC? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-24

LXCs are definitely more difficult than bare metal or even Docker on bare metal.

But what you did looks right.

What do you mean "more efficient and easier"?

RE: Intel QSV inside Docker via Proxmox LXC? - hov - 2024-06-24

(2024-06-24, 02:34 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: LXCs are definitely more difficult than bare metal or even Docker on bare metal.

But what you did looks right.

What do you mean "more efficient and easier"?
I guess I want to know if there’s any better way for me to do what I just did? Mostly asking since I couldn’t find a guide on this on Jellyfin site .

RE: Intel QSV inside Docker via Proxmox LXC? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-24

There is a section of the Intel doc for Proxmox LXCs.

And another for docker.

As for a better way, no.