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Is there a way to turn off tag search? - Printable Version

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Is there a way to turn off tag search? - kandykarter - 2024-06-28

Since 10.9 my search has been considerably slower than in previous versions (3-5 seconds per search, used to be instant). I assume this is because it's now searching tags as well as just titles.

The tag search is not something I care about, and I'd prefer the snappy performance I had previous. Is there a config file or something I can edit to revert to the 10.8.x search behaviour?


RE: Is there a way to turn off tag search? - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-06-28

Sadly that's not possible. Users have been asking for this feature however for similar reasons as yours.

I would try searching the feature request page to see if someone already created one for turning off tag search:

If you can't find any, open one to let any potential Jellyfin devs know that someone has interest in this feature.

RE: Is there a way to turn off tag search? - kandykarter - 2024-06-28

Sounds good, I appreciate the quick response!