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SOLVED: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17


it appears as tho my Jellyfin server has exploded.

The situation and chain of events:
I had a fairly simple server setup with a few libs. (10.8.9)
I tried to change the path of the music lib to something different, in the same subfolder. In that subfolder are Junctions that link to other folders with all the music in it.
Attempting that change it started to load indefinitely. The entire webUI became non-responsive. Libs would not show anymore, the dashboard itself failed to load etc.
I attempted just restarting the Jellyfin service.
This did not fix things. I tried a few more times and then started around looking for trouble shooting.
Since logs at debug level were desirable, I shut down the service, edited the log config to Debug and got a Debug log.
The WebUI became even less responsive during that and suddenly kicked me out.
Now I can't even login anymore?
All login attempts result in
Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 8: 'attempt to write a readonly database'.

As a last resort I downloaded the newest version, 10.8.10 - ran the installer, it detected the Service, updated successfully.
Unfortunately this did not fix anything.
I still cannot login

Current setup:
Win10 - Jellyfin 10.8.10 running as a service

Since this forum does not allow for .log files (...??) or .txt files larger than 200KB (..??)
I'm posting the logs on catbox:

logs removed cuz irrelevant

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - Venson - 2023-08-17

Hey @taku1101

According to your logs, you added C:\ as a path to one of your libs which will cause all kinds of issues.

[2023-08-17 01:53:12.155 +02:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for "E:\Jellyfin\Anime" because the path does not exist
[2023-08-17 01:53:12.155 +02:00] [INF] [14] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "C:\"
[2023-08-17 01:53:12.156 +02:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "H:\Jellyfin\Filme"
[2023-08-17 01:53:12.156 +02:00] [INF] [10] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "H:\Jellyfin\Anime"


[2023-08-17 00:28:14.824 +02:00] [INF] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "DATA - Lukas" ("C:\Users\DATA - Lukas") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:28:14.835 +02:00] [INF] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Windows" ("C:\Windows") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:28:22.251 +02:00] [INF] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Windows" ("C:\Windows") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:28:32.417 +02:00] [INF] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "DATA - Lukas" ("C:\Users\DATA - Lukas") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:29:02.687 +02:00] [INF] [43] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Windows" ("C:\Windows") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:29:32.135 +02:00] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Tailscale" ("C:\ProgramData\Tailscale") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:29:35.017 +02:00] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "Microsoft" ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:29:42.556 +02:00] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "DATA - Lukas" ("C:\Users\DATA - Lukas") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:29:53.137 +02:00] [INF] [21] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "DATA - Lukas" ("C:\Users\DATA - Lukas") will be refreshed.
[2023-08-17 00:30:08.678 +02:00] [INF] [25] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: "log" ("C:\ProgramData\Jellyfin\Server\log") will be refreshed.

This will cause jellyfin to try to scan _all_ folders you have there and most likely just break when it hits stuff its not supposed to.

2nd: SQLite Error 8: 'attempt to write a readonly database'. mostly indicates a 2nd jellyfin instance running, already locking the database.

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17

Thanks for the swift response.
With help from someone on discord, I was able to figure out that the .db files did not have their correct permissions set anymore. I must've touched them in the wrong way while troubleshooting.

This solved the login issue.
However, the original issue which triggered this cascade still persists.
I do remember that the C:\ got added for a few second because the interface glitched out when I was trying to select the correct subfolder first.
I removed that path and few seconds later attempted to paste in the correct path but it seemed like it had already become unresponsive.

I removed the music lib, but as of now it still shows up in the interface. It also seems to cause some endless loading which also renders all other libs unusable.

[Image: rqiovl.png]

funnily enough, video playback from the main page does work.
overall the rest of the interface is semi responsive, unless i let it load for too long, then just all elements disappear.

In the Dashboard it tells me under "running tasks" that its scanning the entire lib?
from the logs you can see I have attempted to cancel this many times but it just does not seem to stop.

Not sure how to proceed here now.. I can't find a way to forcefully stop it from scanning nonsense

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17

Jellyfin appears to be a bit confused with the pathing in general. In the Dashboard it originally showed "3 Folders as source" for the Anime Lib;
Clicking on the Lib however, showed that there was only one path given as source.

After removing the two incorrect MBLINK files in \Server\root\default\Anime ; this changed to display just the correct path.
Curiously, the Musik lib is not listed in the Dashboard. Its ghost only still appears on the client side front page... ?

Restoring the incorrect MBLINK files did not resolve this :c

Jellyfin also appears to be not scanning anything.
I register no usage on any drive on my entire machine

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17

[2023-08-17 04:23:10.625 +02:00] [INF] [14] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "C:\"

I'm guessing this is the problem, but I cannot figure out a way to stop it from trying to scan C:\
It is not added in any lib and Jellyfin appears to be too busy exploding to actually stop trying

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - Venson - 2023-08-17

Hey @taku1101

That is correct. Each time you add a new lib or Path to a lib, JF triggers a full re-scan to look for new and updated files. This can take a while for big libs or in your case the whole disk :-D. I would recommend you start the server, look for the lib that has the CConfused-face path added, remove it and then restart the JF server.

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17

This is part of the issue: There is no lib with the C:\ path added to it. I have already tried deleting libs or adding new ones or well... do anything really, but Jellyfin is completely unresponsive.
There appears to be a fundamental disconnect between whats shown in the interface and what is actually in the .db files.

Is there a way I can edit out the C:\ path from wherever I would find it in files?

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - Venson - 2023-08-17

You would have to edit the database directly while jellyfin is offline. It should be located somewhere like here: %APPDATA%/jellyfin called jellyfin.db however you need a program to edit SqLite files.

RE: Jellyfin Server Ghost Libs and now login issues - taku1101 - 2023-08-17

With some more help from someone on Discord I edited library.db
running the following command:

FROM TypedBaseItems
WHERE Path like '%C:\\%' ESCAPE '\' AND Path NOT LIKE '%C:\\ProgramData\\Jellyfin%' ESCAPE '\'

This has removed all erroneous entries. I also checked in jellyfin.db but that did seemingly not contain any paths.
Jellyfin is responsive again and all issues appear to be resolved ^^