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How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - Printable Version

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How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - Iacov - 2024-07-15


all the sudden, all my shows (that i don't have specials for) are displaying "Specials" in the season-select screen...but are of course empty
i'm pretty sure that the "specials" are popping up because of the "missing episode fetcher"...but i would like to disable that empty seasons are displayed 

does anyone have a similar problem and/or a solution?

thank you in advance!

edit: I have deactivated the missing episode fetcher and rescanned the library for missing meta data... but all the unnecessary seasons are still there. how can I clean up this mess?

edit2: just to clarify... the empty seasons that get displayed have no corresponding folder in my media. eg the season "specials" is displayed for show A but in Show A is no "season 00" folder

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-15

There was a new feature added to the TVDB plugin recently called "Missing episode fetcher" that may be on by default. You can find the setting in your library's settings as a metadata provider.

Now to the bad news. Everyone that had this problem had to remove and re-add the show from their library to get Jellyfin to remove the "missing episode" data.

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - Iacov - 2024-07-15

that would really be bad
yeah, i had the missing episode fetcher active and have deactivated it now

was the issue you describe only about episodes? or also about the seasons?
because i have a lot of empty seasons now displayed (depending on how complete my dvd collection is)
i found the most accurate description to be this: and

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-15

Both. Episodes and Seasons.

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - ThereIsNoSpoon - 2024-07-15

Just so I'm clear -- I have the same problem ( -- the way to fix it is to deactivate the "Missing Episode Fetcher" listed in the TV shows library, and then remove and re-add each show manually. And once I go through all that, the 'empty seasons' will be gone?

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-15

Yes. Everyone who had this issue had to essentially remove all their content and re-add it or delete the library and re-create it without the missing episode fetcher enabled.

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - Iacov - 2024-07-16

but as far as i can "read" github...the fix is being merged into the next release...isn't there a chance that this all is resolved with the next release without cmpletely redoing one's library?

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - niels - 2024-07-16

For me I could fix the series by scanning for missing metadata (with the mentioned PR applied). So no real need to re-add everything.

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - Iacov - 2024-07-16

(2024-07-16, 06:38 AM)niels Wrote: For me I could fix the series by scanning for missing metadata (with the mentioned PR applied). So no real need to re-add everything.

sry for the stupid question, but what is an applied PR?

RE: How to disable empty Seasons? (missing episode fetcher?) - niels - 2024-07-16

The pull request with the fix (