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Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - Printable Version

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Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - AwD - 2024-07-19

Basics - I'm running a Jellyfin v10.8.13 from an OpenMediaVault server, and I primarily access my Jellyfin media via Kodi.  

I've been a fan of riffed movies since I saw Mystery Science Theater on Comedy Central. Since then, there have been several groups that have taken this idea and ran with it. Most of them that I know of are "official" in that they released their riffed movies digitally (Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic) and as such, they are already in the Jellyfin database. There are a couple that I know of that really only do some twitch work or live riffing and don't have much of a following. I have some of these downloaded that I would like to have under their own category/menu/whatever. They're fairly mainstream movies and TV shows and I'd like Jellyfin to do metadata lookups based on the file names, but I would like them to be segregated from my other movies. Bonus points if they're searchable globally, as in if I want to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark, I can search "Raiders" and have it turn up the theatrical release, or one of the riffed versions I have. 

What's the best way of going about this?

RE: Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-07-19

This is the first time I hear about Rifftrax, so I looked it up. From what I gathered, it's basically a comedic audio track for actual movies, right?

Are the videos also edited, or are the videos kept as is? If the videos are kept as they are, why not mux the comedic track into your main file?

You can switch between audio tracks on the Jellyfin UI.

Otherwise, you could just make a new library exclusively for riffed movies and add the movies there. Different audio tracks don't prevent the metadata from correctly being added to your server. Jellyfin only uses the folder and file names to get metadata.

Also, if you search for something from your home page, it will search all your libraries.

RE: Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-19

If you name the file and folder "Raiders of the Lost Ark" jellyfin will retrieve metadata for Raiders of the Lost Ark. It assumes the file is what you say it is and there is no way for jellyfin know one way or the other.

Searches cross libraries so if you had a library for riffs and a library for theatrical movies a search for "Raiders of the Lost Ark" will return results from the riff and theatrical library.

To get what you want you would have to keep separate libraries, which also means separate folders for the riffs and theatrical versions.

RE: Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - akirby83 - 2024-07-19

So I have tons of Rifftrax riffs, the Just the Jokes ones that you're referring to, and I've mixed them in an audio editor with the movie audio to form a custom audio track which I then mux into the main movie file. So for me I add these movies to a Rifftrax collection that I can browse. If your riffed versions are the exact length of the main theatrical release you could mux audio tracks together.

Otherwise if you have separate movie files for these riffs you could make a separate riff movie library if that makes more sense to you.

RE: Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - AwD - 2024-07-19

(2024-07-19, 02:29 AM)akirby83 Wrote: So I have tons of Rifftrax riffs, the Just the Jokes ones that you're referring to, and I've mixed them in an audio editor with the movie audio to form a custom audio track which I then mux into the main movie file.  So for me I add these movies to a Rifftrax collection that I can browse.  If your riffed versions are the exact length of the main theatrical release you could mux audio tracks together.

Otherwise if you have separate movie files for these riffs you could make a separate riff movie library if that makes more sense to you.

This is sort of like Rifftrax, but it's not. It's more like MST3K, but still not Smiling-face. The audio is already mixed in since it was done live and recorded off the mixer board, then it gets synced to the video. It's essentially a different version of a movie instead of something like MST3K since it was a TV show and is categorized by seasons and episodes. Am I describing this in a way that makes sense? Lets say I want to a watch a Master Pancake Theater riff (the group that does the riffs I want to add to my library), but don't know what sounds good. I'd like to go into the Master Pancake collection and browse through the movies or TV shows by title. Since this is a small troupe, their riffs don't exist in a DB. I'm really fine with jellyfin pulling the metadata for the movie or TV episode from the filename. I just don't want these intermixed with my regular movies, because I don't always want to watch the riffed version. Would a separate library work for that?

Evidently my search concerns are a non issue.

RE: Custom Movie Menu/Set a la Rifftrax - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-19

(2024-07-19, 06:04 PM)AwD Wrote: I just don't want these intermixed with my regular movies, because I don't always want to watch the riffed version. Would a separate library work for that?

Keeping the riffs in a separate library would be the best way to get what you're describing.