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"Freeze" Thumbnails? - Printable Version

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"Freeze" Thumbnails? - leviathan0999 - 2023-08-17

Is there any way to convince Jellyfin that, when I have specified the desired thumbnail for a video, a series, or a folder,  THAT'S IT, and it is NOT ALLOWED to change it?

I have a pretty large library of videos on my computer. I generally arrange them in folders.  I often select a thumbnail that I want to use for a given item. One in particular, my "adult material" is in a folder with an ambiguous name,  and I selected an apt but inoffensive thumbnail for it. But every few days, Jellyfin decides I want a particularly graphic frame from one of the more explicit videos instead of my non-naughty thumbnail.

I should NOT have to be repeatedly re-uploading the same innocuous image several times a week to avoid making the video library offensive to my wife.

Is there any fix for this nonsense?

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-17

I recall there is an option to lock the metadata for a particular show or movie. Give that a try?

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - leviathan0999 - 2023-08-17

(2023-08-17, 07:47 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: I recall there is an option to lock the metadata for a particular show or movie.  Give that a try?

Does not work.

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - Venson - 2023-08-17

Hey @leviathan0999

Why not just disable the lib for users you dont want them to access that lib?
In the Dashboard -> Users -> Access setting you can set who may see that lib.

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - leviathan0999 - 2023-08-18

Because that doesn't address the actual problem. We're not doing userlogins sitting at a computer terminal. I need to be able to tell Jellyfin not to overwrite my settings. This shouldn't be something I have to have some stupid workaround to fix.

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-18

For clarification. Is the image you are trying to freeze the listing WITHIN a library? Or is all of this material in a separate library and the image you are trying to freeze is the image FOR the library on the home screen?

Try using .nfo files. Jellyfin should prefer the local metadata instead of dynamically generating it.

RE: "Freeze" Thumbnails? - leviathan0999 - 2023-08-19

The image I'm trying to freeze is FOR the library on the home screen, more accurately, for a subfolder within the library.