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Identify option not always there - Printable Version

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Identify option not always there - NeverEnoughGames - 2023-08-18

I'm new to this, and I'm having some issues. After creating a new library, Jellyfin usually only finds metadata for about half of my movies. The other half I have to fix manually. The problem is, on some movies and shows the "identify" function simply doesn't appear in the menu. It seems to happen mostly with shows, but some shows are just fine. For the shows that don't have it, there's no description and no episode titles. It's very frustrating, as you might imagine.

For the things that do have the "identify" function available, it doesn't always work. When I use it to search for something, it takes 3 to 5 minutes to bring back results, and when I select a result it then takes another couple of minutes to apply it. Even worse, after all that waiting it doesn't always work. Sometimes it goes back to my library with the same generic thumbnail on that movie or show. It wasn't always like this. When I first installed the program "identify" worked fine, for the movies where it was available at least. But now it's not, and I'm not sure why, as I haven't changed any settings. I have thousands of movies, many of which need to be identified manually, so this is a big problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

RE: Identify option not always there - Venson - 2023-08-18

Hey @NeverEnoughGames

That sounds like an twofold issue:
a: From the media that could not be identified, please provide the folder structure inclunding the filenames
b: You are accessing Free services to pull metadata, however that does not mean you can pull from those services everything at once as for example TMDB has rate limits. I recon when you really have an extensive lib, you are very likely rate limited. Please provide an logfile on an external service like pastebin. You might want to omit personal informations like Ips/Domains/Usernames

RE: Identify option not always there - jimmyjammy - 2023-08-18

If you are trying to identify shows from your home page under "Latest Shows" some will be just episodes & will not have the option to identify under the sub menu. Go into your "Shows" library page & sort it by "date added" descending (This will put all the recently added material at the top of the page for easy access) & then you will have the option to "identify" those shows. The speed at which it identifies could be a naming problem for the file
Sometimes you will not see any changes until you refresh / reload the page either in your browser or client. This has to do with their cache I think,
Hope some of this helps

RE: Identify option not always there - NeverEnoughGames - 2023-08-21

After doing a bit more research, I think I've figured things out. Thanks for your replies.