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Jellyfin not accessible on DS218+ - Printable Version

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Jellyfin not accessible on DS218+ - Spawnie - 2024-07-26

Good morning,

I apparently killed my Jellyfin installation yesterday Flushed-face

When installing you can set a checkbox to allow external connections.
My understanding was that this was about connections outside the home network, not connections outside the device being installed on.
And unfortunately, this is exactly how it was described in a video I found by chance (...if you want to watch the media at home from a hotel or make it available to your family, he said...). As I don't need this from outside my network, I have turned off this checkbox.

Everything was fine until the first reboot, I was able to integrate and configure everything, the scans were already very, very far along (except for the audio standardization, don't know if that will work...), all FireTVs etc. connected. Then came the 1st reboot.
I can still reach the connection page, but when I try to connect to my Jellyfin server, I get an error message saying that it is currently unavailable.
I did a lot of searching, so I also came up with the possibility that this checkbox in the beginning could be the issue, even if I didn't think of it because everything worked at first.
But I found a 99% similar thread, only that there Jellyfin runs under Win11, the user simply started Jellyfin on the PC itself, changed the checkbox and that's it.

But that's exactly my problem, I can't log in to the NAS DS218+ itself via the WebApp, I don't even have a browser!
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get there, for example install a browser so that I can log in directly on the device itself?

Thanks and best regards

RE: Jellyfin not accessible on DS218+ - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-26

Can you find your jellyfin logs and share them via pastebin? I doubt not checking the remote connections boxes is the problem.

RE: Jellyfin not accessible on DS218+ - Spawnie - 2024-07-26

I decided to install it new, as I also didn't route the config and cache to an own folder.
So no idea why this happened but now it works - and FYI: I unchecked this box again, but no issues so far. So obviously you're right