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Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Printable Version

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Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Spawnie - 2024-07-26


another question from my side.
I found some other topics, outside of this forum, about HW acceleration for transcoding on a Synology NAS.
I own the DS218+ and this model should be able to do hardware accleration.

But as I read somewhere, Jellyfin can't use the GPU, probably due to the architecture (Container in Docker).
I found a manual from Marius explaining how the make the GPU accessible, but honestly this looks like rocket science.
And to make things even worse it's not only this manual, you have to fullfill some superior requirements, and these their own requirements.
So the manual starts with adding a Proxy (WHHYYYYY, I just want to pass through the GPU  Flushed-face ). But therefore he links to another guide, how to use Synology Wildcards... (WTF is a Synology wildcard, I just want to pass through the GPU!). But therefore you have to follow another guide, setting up DDNC on your NAS (once again, why do I need all this "online things" if I just want to make a piece of hardware available to a locally installed app?????)... So no chance for me. Sure, I could dig through all these guides, but I don't want to do so. There's so much stuff I don't understand, so I can't judge if something is a good or bad idea, or if it for example harms the system etc.

Is there an easy, possibly 'out of the box' solution to get HW acceleration working on a Synology NAS?

Thank you

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Iacov - 2024-07-26


can you link the guide please?
proxy and ddns sound like part of the guide to make jellyfin available in/outside of your network
if it suffices for you to reach jellyfin via https://your.nas.ip:8096 then you won't need that

i'm not sure how synology handles its render groups etc, but if they stick to linux standards, then it shouldn't be much of a problem
i have no experience with the official jellyfin docker image and (i)gpu passthrough, but the image uses a docker mod to make the intel drivers and the device available to the docker image...the official docker image surely has something similar, i just can't help you with it for lacking experience with it

(2024-07-26, 09:05 AM)Iacov Wrote: hey

can you link the guide please?
proxy and ddns sound like part of the guide to make jellyfin available in/outside of your network
if it suffices for you to reach jellyfin via your.nas.ip:8096 then you won't need that

i'm not sure how synology handles its render groups etc, but if they stick to linux standards, then it shouldn't be much of a problem
i have no experience with the official jellyfin docker image and (i)gpu passthrough, but the image uses a docker mod to make the intel drivers and the device available to the docker image...the official docker image surely has something similar, i just can't help you with it for lacking experience with it

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Spawnie - 2024-07-26

This is the guide.

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-07-26

You could try following the guide I wrote for installing Jellyfin on a Synology NAS:

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Spawnie - 2024-07-26

Hi, thanks for the link, but I have 2 questions left.

1) JELLYFIN_PublishedServerUrl=192.168.1. # is this a placeholder and should I add the IP my NAS owns? And as there is a # at the beginning, isn't this entire line just a comment?

PUID and PGID should be 0,or should I look for my personal IDs?

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-07-26

(2024-07-26, 01:46 PM)Spawnie Wrote: 1) JELLYFIN_PublishedServerUrl=192.168.1. # is this a placeholder and should I add the IP my NAS owns? And as there is a # at the beginning, isn't this entire line just a comment?
If you don't need it, you can just leave it as a comment (or delete it). It's not required to use Jellyfin.

(2024-07-26, 01:46 PM)Spawnie Wrote: 2)
PUID and PGID should be 0,or should I look for my personal IDs?
If you delete both PUID & PGID, or set them both to 0, your Jellyfin container will run as root, which means it will have access to everything on the NAS. If you don't want that, you'll need to add the user and group ID of the user that you want to run Jellyfin with. Just make sure your media and folders meant for Jellyfin are accesible by the user.

RE: Hardware Acceleration on DS218+ - space - 2024-08-07

Hi bud, I very new to this stuff and am a complete learner, but I have the same NAS as you, these helped me. I dont run docker, I just download the Jellyfin file and loaded it on the nas, google and youtube everything you pick up.