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SOLVED: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Printable Version

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Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Esaku - 2024-08-02

Good evening,

Recently, I can't give an exact date but I want to say within the last month, my desktop has become unable to autoplay the next video when I use the shuffle feature. The desktop in question is the one that is hosting the server, other devices are able to as autoplay as expected.

The version of jellyfish is 10.9.7. Using a windows 11 PC, installed with the windows installer.

I've attempted to use the Jellyfin Media Player, Firefox, Chrome, and Vivaldi to no success; all methods I've tried on my desktop seem to have the same exact issue. 

Whenever the initial video after shuffling reaches the end, it'll refuse to play the next video automatically. Moving to the next video via the next video button does work. I've tried changing all sorts of settings, even the ones that only seemed slightly related, to no avail. Googling has left me completely confused as to what the issue could be, and I couldn't find any other instances of people with this issue. On both my phone and portable PC it works as expected and the moment one video in shuffle reaches the end it will automatically go to next.

In the logs no kind of error seems to pop up, it just states the video has stopped at x ms. The following is what gets added to the log if I shuffle and then let a video play to the end.

[2024-08-02 18:04:18.225 -04:00] [INF] [38] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for "[redacted]". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2024-08-02 18:04:27.252 -04:00] [INF] [38] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.9.7" playing "[redacted]". Stopped at "8042" ms

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

EDIT: extra experimentation I did made me learn if I switch to using the web player instead of the integrated player on my mobile client it starts to experience the same issue. Unsure if this means something is broke in the web player in my server somehow, or if there is someway to switch the player used via browser on my desktop client?

Solution: Settings / Playback / Play next episode automatically. Im dumb.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-02

Can you open up the browser console (F12) and look for any messages that would point us in the right direction?

I'm not able to reproduce on my 10.9.8 setup.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Esaku - 2024-08-02

There really isn't much that stands out to me when doing such, no errors or lines that scream something weird happening. I also can't verify what it should look like during normal operation at the moment.

This is what appears when I start the shuffle in firefox.

Active player: {"name":"Html Video Player","id":"htmlvideoplayer","playerName":"Html Video Player","playableMediaTypes":[false,true,false,false],"isLocalPlayer":true,"supportedCommands":["GoHome","GoToSettings","VolumeUp","VolumeDown","Mute","Unmute","ToggleMute","SetVolume","SetAudioStreamIndex","SetSubtitleStreamIndex","SetMaxStreamingBitrate","DisplayContent","GoToSearch","DisplayMessage","SetRepeatMode","SetShuffleQueue","PlayMediaSource","PlayTrailers","ToggleFullscreen","SetBrightness","SetAspectRatio","PlaybackRate"]} main.jellyfin.bundle.js:2:114740
SyncPlay WrapperFactory getWrapper: htmlvideoplayer syncPlay-ui-players-NoActivePlayer.d6748b7c524c6bf65abe.chunk.js:1:5275
nowplaying event: playbackstart 18084.239da02d76e26fda517e.chunk.js:1:9330
[nowPlayingBar:onStateChanged] event: playbackstart 18084.239da02d76e26fda517e.chunk.js:1:10036
Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing node_modules.jellyfin-apiclient.bundle.js:2:14622
[viewContainer] tryRestoreView
Object { url: "/video", type: "video-osd", state: null, autoFocus: false, fullscreen: true, transition: undefined, options: {…} }
setting new text track index to: -1
Exploring the object didn't show anything that stood out to me that could be causing it, like a weird value either.

Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Progress node_modules.jellyfin-apiclient.bundle.js:2:14622
Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Progress node_modules.jellyfin-apiclient.bundle.js:2:14622
[nowPlayingBar:onPlaybackStopped] event: playbackstop 18084.239da02d76e26fda517e.chunk.js:1:9826
nowplaying event: playbackstop playback-video.4c5c128439b53dd6fae9.chunk.js:1:26017
Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Stopped node_modules.jellyfin-apiclient.bundle.js:2:14622

Is what appears as a video reaches the end and refuses to automatically go to next.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-02

Go to C:\ProgramData\Jellyfin\Server\config and open logging.default.json in a text editor. Change "Information" and "Warning" in the top section to "Debug". Save, restart jellyfin, replicate the problem.

Once you've replicated the problem zip the log file and attach it to a forum post (you'll need to open the full reply editor). The log will be too big for pastebin.

Go back into the file and return the log levels to their default state.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Esaku - 2024-08-02

19:25:35 is around where I started the shuffle, skiped to near end of video, and then let it play to completion and stop without going to next video automatically I believe. Afterwards I went ahead and stopped server, removed some personal information from the titles of video, and zipped it.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-03

Everything is saying the client/browser is commanding the stop.

Do you have any plugins in your browser? Are you using any custom CSS?

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Esaku - 2024-08-03

The only extension I have on firefox that's allowed to do anything to the page would be ublock, which I have turned off. No custom css or scripts or plugins have been added to jellyfin.

The behaviour is also happening in Vivaldi and Chrome which I have no extensions or plugins for, and the Jellyfin Media Player app which I downloaded specially to try and troubleshoot. Attached is a brand new log that I generated, this time trying with the Jellyfin Media Player at default settings I downloaded from the jellyfin site.

Started server, opened jellyfin media player, shuffled, skipped to near end of video, let it play till the end where it stops without moving on to next, closed server.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-03

Super strange. It looks like you are using "localhost". What happens when you use the LAN IP instead of localhost? Shouldn't matter, but I've seen weirder things.

Also, JMP produces logs we can inspect. C:\Users\yourUser\appdata\local\jellyfinmediaplayer\log. Can you share that? Should fit in pastebin.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - Esaku - 2024-08-03

Tried using the LAN IP, sadly same issue.
Attached is the log file from mediaplayer.

I'm honestly stumped what could be causing it myself... I feel like if it was an OS update or something it wouldn't just be me with the issue, and I cant think of anything else I've done or any software I downloaded that would affect anything.

RE: Desktop unable to autoplay next during shuffle - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-03

I see these messages. Not totally certain what the cause is. The "EOF" messages.

2024-08-02 21:28:38.979 [debug] onLoadingChanged @ 181 - WebEngineLoadRequest starting: http://localhost:8096/web/#/video
2024-08-02 21:28:38.980 [debug] onLoadingChanged @ 181 - WebEngineLoadRequest starting: http://localhost:8096/web/#/video
2024-08-02 21:28:38.981 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: [viewContainer] tryRestoreView [object Object]
2024-08-02 21:28:39.096 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Progress
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - lavf: queuing seek to 241.882000
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - lavf: cached range 0: -0.021333 <-> 37.312000 (bof=1, eof=0)
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - lavf: execute seek (to 241.882000 flags 32)
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - lavf: seek done
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: hr-seek, skipping to 241.882000
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [debug] unknown @ 0 - ffmpeg: stream level seek from 84754432 to 531814221
2024-08-02 21:28:42.647 [info] unknown @ 0 - Entering state: buffering
2024-08-02 21:28:42.651 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Progress
2024-08-02 21:28:43.279 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vd: Pixel formats supported by decoder: vulkan cuda dxva2_vld d3d11va_vld d3d11 d3d12 vaapi yuv420p
2024-08-02 21:28:43.279 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vd: Codec profile: High (0x64)
2024-08-02 21:28:43.279 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vd: Requesting pixfmt 'd3d11' from decoder.
2024-08-02 21:28:43.320 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vd: Decoder format: 3840x2160 nv12 auto/auto/auto/auto/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=3840x2160+0+0
2024-08-02 21:28:43.320 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vd: Using container aspect ratio.
2024-08-02 21:28:43.436 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: first video frame after restart shown
2024-08-02 21:28:43.437 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: audio ready
2024-08-02 21:28:43.437 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: starting audio playback
2024-08-02 21:28:43.437 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: playback restart complete @ 241.883333, audio=playing, video=playing
2024-08-02 21:28:43.437 [info] unknown @ 0 - Entering state: playing
2024-08-02 21:28:43.660 [debug] unknown @ 0 - lavf: EOF reached.
2024-08-02 21:28:46.766 [debug] unknown @ 0 - af: filter input EOF
2024-08-02 21:28:46.766 [debug] unknown @ 0 - af: filter output EOF
2024-08-02 21:28:46.766 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: audio filter EOF
2024-08-02 21:28:46.766 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: audio draining
2024-08-02 21:28:46.766 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: audio EOF reached
2024-08-02 21:28:46.935 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vf: filter input EOF
2024-08-02 21:28:46.935 [debug] unknown @ 0 - vf: filter output EOF
2024-08-02 21:28:46.945 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: EOF code: 1  
2024-08-02 21:28:46.985 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1
2024-08-02 21:28:46.985 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect-override="-1" -> 1
2024-08-02 21:28:46.985 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1
2024-08-02 21:28:46.985 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1
2024-08-02 21:28:46.985 [info] unknown @ 0 - Entering state: buffering
2024-08-02 21:28:47.000 [debug] unknown @ 0 - cplayer: finished playback, success (reason 0)
2024-08-02 21:28:47.001 [info] unknown @ 0 - Entering state: finished
2024-08-02 21:28:47.047 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: [nowPlayingBar:onPlaybackStopped] event: playbackstop
2024-08-02 21:28:47.048 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: nowplaying event: playbackstop
2024-08-02 21:28:47.048 [info] unknown @ 0 - JS: Requesting url without automatic networking: http://localhost:8096/Sessions/Playing/Stopped

I don't see anything in the patch notes for 10.9.8 that sounds like a fix for your problem, but could you backup your Jellyfin data and upgrade to .8?

Backup C:\ProgramData\Jellyfin