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DLNA not visible - Printable Version

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DLNA not visible - goerdi - 2024-08-07

Hi !

I loaded the DLNA plugin and made the possible configuration.
But i still cannot se the server in the network .... win11 or VLC
Is there any hidden config to do ?

Ciao Gerd

RE: DLNA not visible - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-07

How is Jellyfin installed? Docker? Directly on a host? What OS?

RE: DLNA not visible - goerdi - 2024-08-07

Hi !

Direct on Ubuntu 22.04

Ciao Gerd

RE: DLNA not visible - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-07

Did you open port 1900 in UFW?

sudo ufw allow proto udp from any port 1900

RE: DLNA not visible - goerdi - 2024-08-08

Hi !

its an internal Server... without running ufw. minidlna worked
It seems that the new version (10.9.9) did somehow something.... now it works...

Ciao Gerd