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Upgrade Risk - Printable Version

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Upgrade Risk - Perseverant - 2024-08-08

Hey folks,

I'm a late adopter, because, well... I have no time and simply can't risk losing the time it would take to fix things if anything were to mess up my server.  I'm still on 10.8.13, and I recall there being issues where early versions of 10.9 would re-index things when they shouldn't be re-indexed or otherwise mess up people's metadata.

Since Niels has put some great work into updating the Android TV client, and the new client version requires the server-side to be updated, I can no longer use my server until I upgrade. just doing one final check.  We good?  Is there anything I need to do to protect against any potential issues other than your typical backup?  I have a lot of custom metadata work I've done and it would be devastating if it were messed up.

Thanks in advance!

RE: Upgrade Risk - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-08

Are you using NFOs and images saved to your media folders? Or is everything centrally stored in Jellyfin's data directory?

One thing you should make 100% sure of is to disable "Missing Episode Fetcher" for your shows library. Its a relatively new provider via the TVDB plugin and most people don't seem to like the functionality.

RE: Upgrade Risk - Perseverant - 2024-08-08

(2024-08-08, 09:40 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Are you using NFOs and images saved to your media folders?  Or is everything centrally stored in Jellyfin's data directory?

One thing you should make 100% sure of is to disable "Missing Episode Fetcher" for your shows library.  Its a relatively new provider via the TVDB plugin and most people don't seem to like the functionality.

Everything is centrally stored.  Is that preferable?  I'm sure opinions vary, but I didn't like how NFOs and poster images were cluttering up my file structures when I tried that option early-on.

Thanks for the tip on Missing Episode Fetcher.  How would I make sure it doesn't instantly begin inserting tons of new metadata the moment I turn on the docker container post-upgrade?
EDIT: Wait a minute... I don't think I'm even using a TVDB plugin... I use the default of TMDB. Isn't TVDB a paid service? If so, your warning might not apply to me.

RE: Upgrade Risk - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-08

IIRC, the Jellyfin Project does pay TVDB a small fee on behalf of our users to use their API, with the key built into the plugin.

I also use TMDB almost exclusively, only switching TVDB for the rare case that TMDB does not have a particular DVD order.

I also prefer NOT having NFOs and images mixed in with the media. Not having to worry about NFOs and images in the media folder just makes backing up your data and reverting easier.

If you needed to revert for any reason, reinstalling the old version and restoring the Jellyfin data directory backup should put you back on 10.8.13 as if nothing happened.

What OS and install method are you using?

RE: Upgrade Risk - Perseverant - 2024-08-08

(2024-08-08, 10:44 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: IIRC, the Jellyfin Project does pay TVDB a small fee on behalf of our users to use their API, with the key built into the plugin.

I also use TMDB almost exclusively, only switching TVDB for the rare case that TMDB does not have a particular DVD order.

I also prefer NOT having NFOs and images mixed in with the media.  Not having to worry about NFOs and images in the media folder just makes backing up your data and reverting easier.

If you needed to revert for any reason, reinstalling the old version and restoring the Jellyfin data directory backup should put you back on 10.8.13 as if nothing happened.

What OS and install method are you using?

Thank you, that gives me some peace of mind.  I thought we parted ways with TVDB a while back so I'm surprised that it might still be available.  I'm sure this is true of most any metadata provider, but there are times when TMDB can be very frustrating to deal with, and having a second option would be nice.

Would you mind posting a screenshot showing where in the UI I need to turn off that TVDB "missing episodes" setting?  Post-upgrade I want to very quickly go there and disable it just in case.

I run Jellyfin in a docker container on Synology, so I just pull the latest build whenever I upgrade.  I'll definitely be backing up my config/cache folders before proceeding.

RE: Upgrade Risk - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-09

Yeah. Just backup /config and /cache so you can revert if needed.

In Dashboard > Library, when you open the settings for any of your Shows libraries Missing Episode Fetcher will be one of the metadata providers alongside TMDB, OMDB, TVDB, etc.