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SOLVED: Help with Web UI - Printable Version

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Help with Web UI - Tribhoon - 2024-08-10

Hi! I installed Jellyfin again on my machine after I switched from windows to linux a while ago. Server setup and everything else went normal but after the initial setup, after logging into my account, I was only able to see one (John Wick Chapter 1) of the movies of the ones I had in the 'Movies' library (the library folder had a total of 5 movies - John Wick Chapter 1,2,3,4 and one other movie), its poster did not load either.


I ignored it and continued setting up other stuff like hardware acceleration and tested playback on the only movie I was able to choose from in the library, the poster did load after I clicked on the movie, before playback (it was the correct poster too - Jellyfin detected the movie correctly) and the playback went smooth, quick and hardware acceleration seemed to work on my Nvidia GPU.


Though I wasn't able to see other movies.

After I tried out John Wick 1, the movie moved into the 'continue watching' section and John Wick Chapter 2 appeared in recently added movies on the home page, the 'Movies' library still having the first chapter only, things in it did not change at all. Both of them on the home page still did not have any posters.


If I clicked on John Wick Chapter 2 on the home page I could see Chapter 3 in the 'More Like This' section but also without poster which loads after I click on it.


It did work fine in the windows installation and I can't figure out why it is behaving like that, I have tried multiple reinstallations and the docker image and the same issue occurs. Also, once, it did show all movies in the library but the posters still did not load so I reinstalled again and the same thing happened again.

Here is how my Movies folder looks which is added to the movies library -

P.S - the poster.jpg files are also added by Jellyfin when I enabled save artwork into folders setting in the library settings, before I reinstalled it multiple times because of this issue. Right now, the library is on the default settings.

Thanks in advance! I tried my best to explain my problem and I am sorry if I was not able to do it very well Smiling-face

OS:- Arch Linux + KDE Plama 6
Installation:- Installed jellyfin using yay -S jellyfin-server, yay -S jellyfin-web (but like I mentioned, I tried the docker image too, same issue occurs)
Jellyfin Version:- 10.9.9
I am on a laptop with an intel igpu and an Nvidia dgpu, if that matters

RE: Help with Web UI - Fate - 2024-08-10

Are you sure jellyfin can access these movies?

Can you post
ls -lh
from the movies folder?

RE: Help with Web UI - Tribhoon - 2024-08-11

(2024-08-10, 04:09 PM)Fate Wrote: Are you sure jellyfin can access these movies?

Can you post
ls -lh
from the movies folder?

Thank you for the reply! The playback is fine so I think permissions should be set up correctly. But still here is the output of ls -lh from the movies folder:-
╭─tribhoon@tribhoon in /home/Media/Movies took 1ms
╰─λ ls -lh
Permissions Size User     Date Modified Name
drwxr-xr-x     - tribhoon 31 Jul 22:25  'John Wick (2014)'
drwxr-xr-x     - tribhoon 31 Jul 21:55  'John Wick Chapter 2 (2017)'
drwxr-xr-x     - tribhoon 31 Jul 21:55  'John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)'
drwxr-xr-x     - tribhoon 31 Jul 21:55  'John Wick Chapter 4 (2023)'
drwxr-xr-x     - tribhoon 31 Jul 21:56  'Puss in Boots (2011)'

Here is the output from the John Wick 2014 folder:-
╭─tribhoon@tribhoon in /home/Media/Movies/John Wick (2014) took 3ms
╰─λ ls -lh
Permissions Size User     Date Modified Name
.rwxr-xr-x   10G tribhoon  9 Jul 13:52  'John Wick (2014).mkv'
.rwxr-xr-x  101k tribhoon 17 Jul 13:12  poster.jpg

And from the chapter 2 folder:-
╭─tribhoon@tribhoon in /home/Media/Movies/John Wick Chapter 2 (2017)
╰─λ ls -lh
Permissions Size User     Date Modified Name
.rwxr-xr-x   12G tribhoon  9 Jul 14:26  'John Wick Chapter 2 (2017).mkv'
.rwxr-xr-x  786k tribhoon 17 Jul 13:12  poster.jpg

By the way, I restarted my machine and scanned the library again and this is how the home page and movie library page look now:-


RE: Help with Web UI - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-11

What are the permissions on /home/Media? Generally we recommend not hosting media in /home. Try moving the movies to /media or creating a root level /movies or something.

RE: Help with Web UI - Tribhoon - 2024-08-16

(2024-08-11, 07:26 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What are the permissions on /home/Media?  Generally we recommend not hosting media in /home.  Try moving the movies to /media or creating a root level /movies or something.

I am really sorry for this late reply but I mounted my drive on /media and setup the library again and it immediately worked. Thanks a lot!

Sorry again for the late reply and thank you so much Grinning-face

RE: Help with Web UI - Tribhoon - 2024-09-12

Sorry to revive this old thread but for me, the problem appeared again after I added some new libraries and for anyone reading this who couldn't fix it by editing the permissions of their media folder or remounting them, I fixed it by removing 'TheMovieDb' from image fetchers and metadata downloaders from the settings of the library.

Apparently I just had to take a quick glance at the logs which showed the error "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond." when scanning the library and trying to connect to TheMovieDb.