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Wiping PC for a new OS - Will I Have Issues? - Printable Version

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Wiping PC for a new OS - Will I Have Issues? - 4r5hw45twh - 2024-08-11

Every few months, or at least once a year, I like to wipe my PC and start fresh. This is my first time doing so with Jellyfin, though.

My current setup is a Windows 10 PC with a reverse proxy setup via my own domain name and a VPS. It goes: domain name > VPS IP > local PC IP. My domain's DNS record goes to my VPS and my VPS connects to my actual public IP.

I will be switching this from Windows to Linux. 2 questions here: I want to use Pop!_OS (based off of Ubuntu I believe). Will that work with Jellyfin? Second question: will I need to do anything special to transfer my setup to Linux? I assume my local IP will change and I'll need to adjust that, but besides that?

Thank you.

RE: Wiping PC for a new OS - Will I Have Issues? - 34626 - 2024-08-11

If you use the Jellyfin docker image im pretty sure it will be very simple to go from Windows til Linux, if you use something else, i dont know,i have never had a reason to use Windows.

Your second question, i dont know, i use Debian 12, and have never use Pop_OS, why would you use Pop_OS for this inda thing?

RE: Wiping PC for a new OS - Will I Have Issues? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-11

I have a test instance on my PopOS desktop and it behaves the same as my main instance on my Ubuntu server.

Having said that, if this is going to be a server without a UI I'd stick with Ubuntu over PopOS.

If you're running Jellyfin directly on Windows you will not be able to port that data to a Linux install or docker. You will have to start from scratch.