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Duplicate Artist Entries Showing Up - Printable Version

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Duplicate Artist Entries Showing Up - Razorhoof - 2024-08-11

I've got a dedicated Jellyfin instance that's only for audio. It runs in a docker container on a headless Debian VM in my Proxmox machine and points to my NAS (also a vm in Proxmox).

My issue is with Artist and Album Artist displays, specifically duplicate entries. For Example, I have one copy of an album by the artist 100 Proof Aged In Soul. I have verified the tags on this album are squeaky clean and I've even ripped another copy to be 100% sure... When I click into the Album Artists tab I see this artist twice - once as "100 Proof Aged in Soul" and another as "100 Proof Aged In Soul". I get the exact same path if I click into either one - I see the artist landing page with the same copy of the album (I encoded it differently to make sure there wasn't another copy buried somewhere on my drive). Only difference is the capital "I" in the artist name. It's consistently tagged with a lowercase across both Artist and Album Artist, so why am I seeing the entry with it capitalized? Is there a data cache somewhere that's keeping the incorrect entry and making the artist show up twice? I've removed it from my storage, re-scanned libraries to make sure it disappeared, then loaded it again and scanned - same thing, both entries with the "i" being the only difference. I think I have Jellyfin setup to only scan for Artist photos and nothing else, relying on only the embedded tags for info.

Thanks in advance to anyone that knows why this is happening, it's driving me nuts.

EDIT: Maybe I don't have Jellyfin set to just use my tags for info? Is there a way to make sure my files' embedded tags ovverride anything Jellyfin might scan for? The options are kinda janky and vague...