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Synology Docker Default Paths - Printable Version

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Synology Docker Default Paths - elephantLYFE - 2024-08-16

Hello Friends,

Before I upgrade, I am way behind on versions.
I need to find the default folder paths for config/cache, so i can place them in the proper places.
Also, are there any other directories i need to ensure to properly place?
I have not updated Jellyfin in over a year.
When i update container, i need all my metadata, personal libraries ive built to be maintained.

I can SSH into my synology, and i think im poking around in the correct area, but im not sure which directories i need to copy.

Screenshots attached.

(No, i can not rescan the metadata, i have a specific library i built from complete scratch, like "actors" and such will be gone.)
(I know i should have properly set it up correctly the first time, and now I am dealing with it)

Thanks for reading!

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - elephantLYFE - 2024-08-16

At the very bottom of this page, there is a note about
"If you've set up Jellyfin without static data directories, your config and cache folders will exist in random-hash-named directories under volume1/@docker/containers"

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-16

The paths should be the same if you're going from docker container to docker container.

Just make sure to make a copy of it instead of directly transferring the original config folder to the new version.
Basically, use the copy and keep the original in case you want to roll back to the old version.

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - elephantLYFE - 2024-08-16

Maybe this is what I need? I feel like im close.

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-16

(2024-08-16, 02:25 AM)elephantLYFE Wrote:

At the very bottom of this page, there is a note about
"If you've set up Jellyfin without static data directories, your config and cache folders will exist in random-hash-named directories under volume1/@docker/containers"
You already linked the config folder to a specific volume mount (from what I see in that screenshot).
You don't have to worry about that warning.

btw, you don't need to transfer the old cache to the new version. It will be recreated regardless and isn't needed to transfer your old settings.

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - elephantLYFE - 2024-08-16

Thanks for the reply,

Im trying to copy the config/cache out of the docker container, to the same share where i have my Movies/shows/etc in. (so i dont lose it when the container is reset with latest update).

Promblem is on not sure where the (i think its /config/) folder is located , but i know thats on me as I am admin of my machine. Slightly-frowning-face I keep poking around, but im not sure where/what it is.

If im not making sense, let me know, I am certainly no expert, perhaps there is something i dont understand.

RE: Synology Docker Default Paths - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-16

First, stop worrying about the cache folder. That doesn't matter if it's lost.

Second, I see what you did.
For the config folder, there's a 2nd config folder inside of it. You have /volume1/docker/jellyfin mapped to /config/config.
As in, you only exposed the sub-level config folder and not the top-level one.
The top-level config folder contains all configurations for the server.

What you should have done at the start is this: /volume1/docker/jellyfin : /config:rw
The image would just populate the entire config folder there.

I would add a new volume mount to a blank space on your NAS, then go to the Container Manager. There, open the old Jellyfin image, and open a terminal.
In the terminal page, create a new bash session into the Docker container and copy the config folder to the blank volume you just set up.

Once the copy is complete, you can use the file browser to move that config folder wherever you need it. Just make sure to make a backup of it for the new version.