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Passive GPU rpi4 - Printable Version

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Passive GPU rpi4 - tkbstudios - 2023-08-21

Hello, I've been trying to tweak encoding settings for 3 days and I'm not able to play a lot of videos.
I maybe thought of a passive external GPU attached to the Pi just to do encoding and decoding, could that be possible? I already saw the video from Jeff Geerling where he was able to put a Radeon card but it was very buggy, he was doing it for UI which I won't, any chances it could work only for encoding/decoding?

RE: Passive GPU rpi4 - Venson - 2023-08-21

Hey @tkbstudios

The Rpi4 is generally not recommended by the JF community for anything other the direct playback e.g not good for anything that needs transcoding.
I _think_ it is possible and i would love to hear your results on that experiment however from what i heard that will be a ... troublesome experience.

RE: Passive GPU rpi4 - xaque - 2023-08-21

Here are some options you could do

1. Convert media to a format that can be direct played.

2. Use rffmp ( to offload transcoding to a machine that can handle it better than the pi.

3. Don't use a pi