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Can't stream large files over Nginx - Printable Version

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Can't stream large files over Nginx - Bonifacy - 2024-08-16

Hey. My setup is unRAID on intel CPU with Jellyfin 10.9.9 in docker container and my domain through cloudflare and DDNS in docker.

I wanted to share with friends, so made Cloudflare tunnel and everything was working perfectly with that. Now I wanted to change to reverse proxy in order to not break cloudflare TOS. Installed and set up Nginx-Proxy-Manager container, forwarded ports and pointed it to jellyfin.mydomain.tld, enabled Let'sEncrypt.

Server loads and plays fullHD content no problem, but when I try to play large 4K files I get critical error.

I am pretty sure its an issue with reverse proxy, because it works flawlessly on my internal network and was working flawlessly through CF tunnel.

Here is error in logs:

Any advice? Or maybe other reverse proxy solution? Thanks for any help.

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-16

Can you share the ffmpeg log itself? That would contain the full error message. Also, what specific Intel CPU do you have? The issue probably has to do with transcoding and not your RP.

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - Bonifacy - 2024-08-16

Do you mean whole jellyfin log? or can you point me where can I look for ffmpeg log only?
This is whole jellyfin log that appears:

CPU is i5-12400.

I went poking at it again and managed to start 4K playback on local network just fine, BUT when I changed to low resolution it crashed again - so you might be right about transcoding being the problem.

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-16

You can look in container path /config/log (wherever /config is mounted on the host) and there will be a bunch of logs that start with "FFmpeg".  You can also find them in the Jellyfin UI at Dashboard > Logs.


Can you also provide screenshots of Dashboard > Playback?

Also, which docker image are you using? The official jellyfin/jellyfin image or linuxserver's image? Can you also share screenshots of the docker config page for this container?

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - Bonifacy - 2024-08-16

ffmpeg log:

I switched off hardware acceleration/transcoding entirely and it works. With it enabled dashboard looks like this:

Sorry about the language, I've set it to English, but it's not changing.
So I'm prettu sure that some transcoding options/formats are wrong.

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-16

(2024-08-16, 03:58 PM)Bonifacy Wrote: ffmpeg log:

I switched off hardware acceleration/transcoding entirely and it works. With it enabled dashboard looks like this:

Sorry about the language, I've set it to English, but it's not changing.
So I'm prettu sure that some transcoding options/formats are wrong.

I've looked at these menus enough that I know what they are just by the positioning.

The Jellyfin transcode settings are not optimal, but they are not going to cause any problems as is.  The problem is that Jellyfin doesn't have access to the iGPU.

[AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55956fc26a40] No VA display found for any default device.
Device creation failed: -22.
Failed to set value 'vaapi=va:,kernel_driver=i915,driver=iHD' for option 'init_hw_device': Invalid argument
Error parsing global options: Invalid argument

Did you pass the GPU into the container?  Ignore the arrow in the top right.  This screenshot was originally for another user.  I'm not at home to take a new one.


RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - Bonifacy - 2024-08-16

I added GPU device now... It stil fails, just differently:

I'll fiddle with the settings some more

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-16

You enabled AV1 encoding, which your 12400 does not support.

In the top section with the list of codecs, check all the boxes except VP8 and AV1. Enable hardware encoding and also allow encoding HEVC format. Do not check low power encoding and do not check allow encoding in AV1 format.

Check both VPP tone mapping and tone mapping.

RE: Can't stream large files over Nginx - Bonifacy - 2024-08-16

Applied all settings as you suggested and now it works.

Thank you, I really appreciate all the help and your time to look at logs and reply.