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SOLVED: Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - Printable Version

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Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - ca2ju - 2024-08-16

Jellyfin Version: 10.9.9

Installation Method and Platform: Ubuntu Server

Hello, I have a Python script that creates users through the Jellyfin API. However, the first two users it creates are inheriting session data such as “Continue Watching” and “Last Watched.” This shouldn’t happen because it’s a new user. However, this issue only occurs with the first two users; starting from the third user, everything is clean as it should be. Can someone help me with this?

OBS:I’ve already checked the logs, and there’s nothing different, so I didn’t post them here.

RE: Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-16

Can you show us the script or the particular endpoint you are using plus the parameters used?

RE: Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - ca2ju - 2024-08-16

import requests
import logging
import os
from flask import current_app as app
from dotenv import load_dotenv

load_dotenv() # Essa chamada deve estar antes de acessar variáveis de ambiente


def create_jellyfin_user(username, password):
url = f"{JELLYFIN_URL}/Users/New"
headers = {"X-Emby-Token": REQUIRESELEVATION_API_KEY}
payload = {"Name": username, "Password": password}
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204:"Jellyfin user created successfully for {username}") # Log de sucesso
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json() # Retorna as informações do novo usuário se houver retorno
return None # Retorna None para status 204, pois geralmente não há corpo de resposta
app.logger.error(f"Failed to create Jellyfin user with status code {response.status_code}")
return None

def update_user_configuration(jellyfin_user_id):
url = f"{JELLYFIN_URL}/Users/{jellyfin_user_id}/Configuration"
payload = {
"AudioLanguagePreference": "spa",
"PlayDefaultAudioTrack": False,
"SubtitleLanguagePreference": "spa",
"DisplayMissingEpisodes": False,
"SubtitleMode": "None"
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204:"User configuration updated successfully.")
return response.status_code # Retorna o status code para indicar sucesso
app.logger.error(f"Failed to update user configuration with status code {response.status_code}")
return response.status_code # Continua retornando o status code para indicar o tipo de erro

def update_user_policy(jellyfin_user_id, product_id):
# Mapeamento de product_id para max_sessions usando variáveis carregadas
session_limits = {
PRODUCT_ID_BASICO: 1, # Assinatura básica permite 1 sessão
PRODUCT_ID_ESTANDAR: 2, # Assinatura padrão permite 2 sessões
PRODUCT_ID_PREMIUM: 4 # Assinatura premium permite 4 sessões

# Recupera o limite de sessões baseado no product_id, padrão para 1 se não mapeado
max_sessions = session_limits.get(product_id, 1)

url = f"{JELLYFIN_URL}/Users/{jellyfin_user_id}/Policy"
payload = {
'IsAdministrator': False,
'IsHidden': True,
'EnableCollectionManagement': False,
'EnableSubtitleManagement': False,
'EnableLyricManagement': False,
'EnableLiveTvManagement': False,
'EnableLiveTvAccess': False,
'EnableContentDownloading': False,
'InvalidLoginAttemptCount': 6,
'LoginAttemptsBeforeLockout': 6,
'MaxActiveSessions': max_sessions,
'EnableAllChannels': False,
'AuthenticationProviderId': "Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.DefaultAuthenticationProvider",
'PasswordResetProviderId': "Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.DefaultPasswordResetProvider",
'SyncPlayAccess': "None"
headers = {"X-Emby-Token": REQUIRESELEVATION_API_KEY}
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204:"User policy updated successfully with product ID: {product_id}")
return response.status_code
app.logger.error(f"Failed to update user policy for user: status code {response.status_code}")
return response.status_code

def disable_user(jellyfin_user_id):
url = f"{JELLYFIN_URL}/Users/{jellyfin_user_id}/Policy"
payload = {
'IsAdministrator': False,
'EnableContentDownloading': False,
'IsHidden': True,
'IsDisabled': True,
'AuthenticationProviderId': "Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.DefaultAuthenticationProvider",
'PasswordResetProviderId': "Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.DefaultPasswordResetProvider"
headers = {"X-Emby-Token": REQUIRESELEVATION_API_KEY}

response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204:"User disabled successfully for user ID: {jellyfin_user_id}")
return response.status_code # Retorna o status code para indicar sucesso
app.logger.error(f"Failed to disable user with user ID: {jellyfin_user_id}, status code {response.status_code}")
return response.status_code # Retorna o status code mesmo em caso de falha
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
app.logger.error(f"Failed to disable user with user ID: {jellyfin_user_id} due to network error: {e}")
return None # Retorna None para indicar uma falha na chamada da API

def check_server_connectivity():
url = f"{JELLYFIN_URL}/System/Ping"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:"Jellyfin server is online.")
return True
app.logger.warning(f"Failed to ping Jellyfin server with status code {response.status_code}")
return False
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
app.logger.error(f"Failed to ping Jellyfin server due to network error: {e}")
return False

Don't worry about the comments in the script, they're in Portuguese. Just to provide more information, the API keys I'm using were created within the server for both REQUIRESELEVATION and DEFAULTAUTHORIZATION. I've also tested using the administrator's access token for REQUIRESELEVATION_API_KEY, but I encountered the same issue with the "first two users."

RE: Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - xaque - 2024-08-17

Have you tried using the jellyfin api client python?

I haven't noticed your issue when I've used this to create multiple clients, albeit I'm not using apikeys. Rather, I'm using an access token from an elevated user.

RE: Issue: First two users created via the Jellyfin API inherit session data (e.g., “Cont - ca2ju - 2024-08-21

I came back to give feedback and say that I tried everything. What worked for me was creating a new administrator user and using their access token; everything went back to normal.