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Alternate versions & folders - Printable Version

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Alternate versions & folders - Eric B - 2024-08-17


I'd like to know if there is a way to lock a library on a folder not only for the library content but also for the alternate versions of i.e. a movie.
I've got a libray set on the folder /Da. I named my library 'Dual Audio'. Among other files, I've got a movie called 'Arrival'. For some reason, even if the library is set on the only folder /Da, still Jellyfin tells me I have two versions, the second version being a file named 'Arrival' not related to the first one since it's a bike movie, in a totally different folder. Is there a way to modify this behaviour?

And by the way, on the top left corner of the poster, the blue thing with the number, what's its exact meaning? Is it only for the number of versions?

Thank you,


RE: Alternate versions & folders - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-17

How are you linking the folders to the library on Jellyfin? Are you sure you have a new library for each folder?

(2024-08-17, 04:56 PM)Eric B Wrote: And by the way, on the top left corner of the poster, the blue thing with the number, what's its exact meaning? Is it only for the number of versions?
That's the count of unwatched episodes for the user that's logged in.

RE: Alternate versions & folders - Eric B - 2024-08-17

Thank you for your reply.

That's weird. I don't get it. 99% of, say, my 'Da' (Dual Audio) movies have no blue stuff (on the top left corner) and so far I have watched none or I tried maybe one or two since I'm still testing. How come I get a 2 on some movies (a single file, one version)?

RE: Alternate versions & folders - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-17

Movies will not have it because there's only one movie to watch. If you watch it, a checkmark should be on the top-right part.

Though now that I wrote that, I noticed you say on the top-left part.
Can you take a screenshot so I can see what you're referring to?

RE: Alternate versions & folders - Eric B - 2024-08-18


Here are some screenshots : Jellyfin_01 (the poster with the blue tag and the number 2), Jellyfun_02 (the info on the movie page), Jellyfin_03 (info about the library, 'Autre' meaning Hybrid type if I remember it right).
Today I don't know whay, as you can see on the screenshot 2, only one version, yesterday, there was 2 'versions' (the other one being a movie not related to this one and in a completely different folder).
I have several movies with that blue tag and the number two and still with only one version.
And I have what I had described at first for this one, the same tag and two versions showing on the movie info and systematically a file with the rather close name in a folder completely different.
Today I can illustrate with 'Dance with Wolves' (Jellyfin_04). See the information showing two versions on Jellyfin_05 : The second version is located in /EN (Not a subfolder of /DA).


RE: Alternate versions & folders - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-18

Try going to your movie library settings and uncheck the "Automatically add to collection" option.

RE: Alternate versions & folders - Eric B - 2024-08-18

Done that and refreshed the library. No change :-/