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Migrating media folders/libraries - Printable Version

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Migrating media folders/libraries - zanciks - 2024-08-24

Currently, I have a media folder. Inside of it is a shows folder, and a movies folder. However, I'd like to merge those into just the media folder. On top of that, I'd also like to change how jellyfin views those folders. Currently, it has separate libraries for both movies and shows. Will moving all of the shows/movies and creating a new library remove watch history/progress for all of my users? If so, is there a way to export it all and reimport it?

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-24

It probably will remove watch status. Also, mixed libraries are strongly discouraged. The mixed library type is a legacy feature, not well maintained, and buggy.

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - zanciks - 2024-08-24

Ah fair enough. I shall keep them separate then, thanks!
Also one more thing -- if I create a symbolic link from a second drive into the media folder of my primary drive, does jellyfin work fine with that?
For instance, I start telling [The thing we don't talk about - TDP] to say "secondaryHDD/movies" and "secondaryHDD/shows" and then I link those to show their contents inside of the already existing movies/shows folders? Or is it better to simply have a different library in jellyfin for movies/shows per drive?

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-24

Why do that and not just add the second drive or second folder? Jellyfin does work with symlinks of folders, but not symlinks of individual files.

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - zanciks - 2024-08-24

I just figured it'd be nicer than having a ton of different libraries Movies1, Movies2, etc, so I could just create links between the main movies folder that jellyfin sees and my additional drives as I add new ones. Is there a better way to go about this?

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-24

You can add more than one folder per library.

But symlinks are fine too.

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-08-25

(2024-08-24, 11:22 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: You can add more than one folder per library.
I would second this as being the most simple and easiest path for you.

Just go to your movie's library settings in the dashboard and add the multiple paths to each of your movie folders.
The library will read from each path you linked it to and display them all in the same movie library.

RE: Migrating media folders/libraries - zanciks - 2024-08-25

What a fool am I! I will just add more folders to my libraries. Thanks for the help everybody!! I should probably RTFM before I post next time :P