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SOLVED: Linux user access issues - Printable Version

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Linux user access issues - HappyCharizard - 2024-08-27

Hi guys,
First post - so thanks for any help in advance and thanks for a wonderful OSS project regardless Dizzy

Background & technical
I am running a raspberry pi 4 8gb ram on fast SD card, with Raspibian OS (Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)).
I have installed Jellyfin (latest - 10.9.10) - once directly via the apt-get terminal (following this guide) and later after issues (described below) tried again via the suggested method in the official Installation page using the .sh script.
I also have a qbit v4.5.2 headless running on the RPi (installed with this guide). The qbit is writing new files to the folder /home/HappyCharizard/Downloads/somefolder
Everything is run locally on the same network, the raspberry is on a static ip.

I was able to install Jellyfin successfully, login to the web console, create a user and start setting up a library, and this is where the issue is.
Once selecting folders for the library, the Folder Browser is able to see only "/home/HappyCharizard/" it does not enable to select the Downloads folder and not the qbit one inside it.
The folder is accessible by my HappyCharizard user as well by the qbit user that writes files.

Steps I taked to solve
First - I searched this forum as well google. It helped me narrow it down to what I believe is a permission issue.
I also used ChatGPT to solve the issue with no success. Things I have tried:

1. Attempted to give Jellyfin direct access to the folder qbit and even to specific folder and files inside it.
2. Attempted to add the Jellyfin user to the same user group as qbit
3. Attempted to add the Jellyfin user to the same user group as HappyCharizard
4. Attempted to run Jellyfin under the HappyCharizard user by modifying the systemd service file

While all operations succeeded, as can be seen by running in terminal the "getfacl" command for that folder, with the answer:
# owner: qbit
# group: qbit

After all of that I still cannot access the files on that folder and thus there is no media for me to be played.
Copying or duplicating the files is not a valid solution for me as I'm limited in space.

Please let me know how I can resolve this, and if any other inofrmation is needed Sign-of-horns

RE: Linux user access issues - Fate - 2024-08-27

Well first I would remove any mention of a torrent client in your first post. (Maybe take a minute or two as well to read the forum rules)

To your issue, create a group (lets call it datamod for example)
put your user, jellyfin, any other app that should write to your media files in that group

Then run:
chgrp datamod /home/HappyCharizard/ -R

Then allow the grp to change stuff:
chmod 770 /home/HappyCharizard/ -R

Edit: eh seems TDP is even faster editing than I'm typing...

Thinking about this TDP is right, using your home directory will probably work but is a bad idea.
Move your data to /media/ /opt/  or something

RE: Linux user access issues - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-27

ACLs was not the solution.  The problem is that the permissions on /home/HappyCharizard by default don't allow other users to access it.  And it should stay that way.  Your home directory is a private directory that contains private and secure files and folders.  If you have files that need to be shared with other users you need to move them out of your home directory.

/media is the most common place to house shared content since it is safe to open the permissions there.

Also, change your thread title to remove mention of the thing we don't talk about here.

RE: Linux user access issues - HappyCharizard - 2024-08-27

So if I understand correctly, it does not really matter what I tried to do, the OS 'protected' me.
Assuming I do not have external storage connected (which I understand is the goal of the /media directory) where else can I place it? or do you suggest to place it

Thank you both TheDreadPirate and Fate for fastly answers!

p.s - updated my original post so it's not an issue with the "one we do not mention his name". Thank you for helping regardless.

RE: Linux user access issues - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-27

While external drives are mounted in /media, is not just for external drives. You can put anything there. I put all of my jellyfin media in /media/library. Or you can just make your own root level directory. /jellyfin or something. Just not your home directory.