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Weird issue identifying media - Printable Version

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Weird issue identifying media - genesaika - 2023-08-24

I'm running Jellyfin in trueNAS scale. And using SMB on Windows 11 pro to add subfolders and files. 

So last night I started setting up my media folders with an anime I happened to have downloaded. After a while of playing with permissions and adjusting things I got it to work and read all of the info. So I copied the permissions and duplicated the settings for my other media types, even though I didn't have any files to test with.

Well tonight I tried to add a music file ( .flac) and it wouldn't show the folders in my music directory. The file works fine directly in the music folder, but not in an artist folder.

Turns out the only media folders that read sub folders are my anime and TV shows. I added a folder to the movies folder and it won't show up.

I looked at the log file and it shows a lack of permissions for the sub folders? Why would the same settings do different things with different types of media?

RE: Weird issue identifying media - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-24

1) Make sure that jellyfin has read and execute permissions to the library folder and all subfolders. When you create subfolders they do not automatically inherit all of the parent directory's permissions in Linux.
2) Is your music properly tagged? Not the file name, but the file metadata?

RE: Weird issue identifying media - genesaika - 2023-08-24

I've gone through trueNAS and told it to give permission to subfolders a few times now assuming that was the case. It's confusing to me that the one directory works perfectly as expected while these do not, even with the same permissions.

The file does not have proper metadata, but it is being recognized in the " root " directory that the library is pointing to.

RE: Weird issue identifying media - genesaika - 2023-08-24

I have my file structure as follows:

........ /Anime
........ /Music
........ /Etc

Jellyfin has permissions for the full .../Media folder. Each library points to the appropriate subfolder inside of .../Media. I copied the permissions from the .../Anime folder to the rest of them after getting it to work properly.

The anime folder still notices subfolders for series and attempts to get metadata for them even with no actual files in the folder. The music folder does not recognize the subfolders for artists, but will recognize the individual files inside of the music folder.

RE: Weird issue identifying media - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-24

cd /mnt
touch list.txt
find . -type d -maxdepth 6 | while read dir ; do ls -ld "$dir" >> list.txt ; done

That will write all the directory permissions to /mnt/list.txt. If you don't mind sharing that with us, or to me via PM, that would greatly expedite the troubleshooting process.

RE: Weird issue identifying media - genesaika - 2023-08-26

ok. so I couldn't get that too work, it kept telling me it didn't have permissions to use the " touch list.txt " command. I did figure out what the issue was though. After looking over the permissions for the Media folder, I hadn't given user permissions, just group. The biggest question is how was the TV SHows and Anime folders working fine with those permissions? oh well it works now