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Resource Runaway and crash - Printable Version

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Resource Runaway and crash - xelp - 2024-09-05

Good day all.  I am a long time Plex user and I have taken Jellyfin for a spin a few times and I am here doing it again.

It works really well overall except it does not support my Hauppauge tuner.

But I have an issue I cannot solve.  And I will be honest and say that I have the same issue in Plex and this blows my mind.

Here is the environment:

- Running on dedicated hardware
- GPU transcoder (Nvidia 4060)
- media library is on a NAS via SMB
- Windows 11 Pro
- Jellyfin version 10.9.10
- Clients in question, Jellyfin app on Roku

When I play a movie the server will play it but the network usage goes insane, well over 1GB as if it is raw transferring the entire file.  While this happens memory usage quickly increases and within 30-60sec the system runs out of memory and crashes.

This happens with even direct play while nothing is being transcoded.  If I use a test library on a local drive this does not happen.  If I transfer a file from the NAS to the server just via typical means, no problem.

If someone were telling me this, this is the  point where I would tell them their Windows install has an issue or maybe their hardware.  However, this is now the case through 2 sets of hardware.  This issue is so pervasive I rebuilt the entire thing from scratch.  The issue remains.

Now here is the spicy part.  If I play a file from my web browser.  Entirely fine, NIC and RAM usage are normal.  It seems to be the case it's only on the Roku client. And as I mentioned this is the case for JellyFin and Plex apps on Roku.

I am an old tech guy and this makes me insane.  Just really looking for ideas.  Thanks

RE: Resource Runaway and crash - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-05

Another user had this problem, but I was not able to replicate. I tried changing various settings, , but didn't have any luck reproducing on my Windows 11 desktop.

The theory is that there is some sort of .NET bug, but we haven't been able to narrow down the cause or any viable solutions or workarounds.

I do see that you are directly adding network paths to Jellyfin. For testing, can you try mounting those network paths to a drive letter and then add the network share, as a drive letter, to a library and then try again?

RE: Resource Runaway and crash - xelp - 2024-09-05

Thanks for your quick response!

Absolutely I will give that a shot right now and report back.

I am curious though how .net would affect only a Roku client?

I will add however that this seemed to happen at the same time I noticed a change in the Roku client for Plex. Where as it used to always transcode to stereo, it stopped doing that. So if I have an EAC3 5 channel track on the title, it plays it without transcode now.

RE: Resource Runaway and crash - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-05

For the other user I mentioned, they only had issues when the client was direct playing. If they played the same video on a client that would require any form of transcoding or remuxing they would have no issues with memory usage.

Which appears to be the same for your situation.

RE: Resource Runaway and crash - xelp - 2024-09-05

I am going to say this is the same thing. I just did a ton of testing. And it makes no sense save 1 thing. When it transcodes it seems ok.

Here is what I did.

- Mapped a drive, tossed a file on it.
- played that title, sound was transcoded as would be typical (but has not happened in quite some time), and playback is normal and OK
- played the same title but from the direct UNC, it too was transcoded and played ok
- played the mapped drive title again but after restarting JellyFin, still OK
- played from the UNC path, still OK
- unmapped the drive, played the UNC path title, still OK

So somehow since the mapped drive title play, it's transcoding the sound every time and working every time (I think it's just the sound all I see is TS files).

I should add that the typical behavior of Roku/Plex in this case is to transcode as this is a stereo TV. Since it's NOT been transcoding this happens.

I will do more testing and report back again. Let me see if Plex behaves the same and what happens post reboot.

Plex still has the same memory issue with the same file, but it too is transcoding the sound now. And while the same memory "leak" happened it occurred at a far slower rate.

I played JellyFin right behind it, JellyFin is still OK.

RE: Resource Runaway and crash - xelp - 2024-09-06

Server rebooted. JellyFin is still transcoding the sound and seems to be OK at this time. Plex is still doing the same at a lower rate and it is transcoding as well.

It just does not make sense.