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Refresh Metadata not working as expected - Printable Version

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Refresh Metadata not working as expected - Zedniac - 2024-09-18

I'm working on moving over to Jellyfin to handle my music library, and in the process I've been noticing some of my files are not tagged quite as they should be. When I update them, I can't get Jellyfin to recognize the changes made to the tags.

For example, I was working on one album which started with album artist "Drake" when it should be two album artists: Drake and Future. I tagged the album with MusicBrainz (making sure to set Album Artist as "Drake;Future" as this format works correctly with other albums I have) and saved the changes. However, Jellyfin still displays the album artist Drake. Here's what I've tried so far:
  • Refresh Metadata (on just that album)
  • Refresh webpage
  • Clear browser cache and check again
  • Tried manually editing and saving the tags in MP3Tag to ensure they are saved as displayed (they are)
  • Ran "Clear Cache Directory" then "Scan Media Library"
  • Selected my Music library, then selected "Scan Library"
  • Restart Jellyfin Docker container

None of these have caused the change to show up. Am I missing something? I imagine I could move the file location around so that Jellyfin sees them as fresh files and has to read the tags, but if I'm making a lot of changes to a lot of different files, that would be a big hassle.

Some other info that may be relevant:
  • Jellyfin 10.9.11
  • Running on Unraid OS in Docker
  • Files in question are all .flac
  • MusicBrainz is set to use ID3v2.3 tags with UTF-16 text encoding and ; as the delimiter for joining multiple tags into one field
  • I'm only using Jellyfin for music right now, though I can add a video library if needed for testing / troubleshooting
  • File Explorer does show that the database file is written to when I use "Scan Media Library" so it shouldn't be having issues saving changes

RE: Refresh Metadata not working as expected - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-19

You can try disabling all the metadata providers in the library settings if you want to use more of the tags instead of scraping online sources.