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Some Primary Posters Are Lost Without Fail - Printable Version

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Some Primary Posters Are Lost Without Fail - Paft - 2024-09-19

These same movie posters keep being lost, so I am left with timeline snapshot as a poster. I have corrected the posters over 5 times now. 

Any input would be appreciated.

RE: Some Primary Posters Are Lost Without Fail - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-19

Those look like the trickplay images. What version of Jellyfin are you running? And can you share your logs via pastebin.

RE: Some Primary Posters Are Lost Without Fail - Paft - 2024-09-19

Windows 10.9.11. It was doing it on the previous version I was on, 10.9.9 i think.

I see. I assume you'll need logs on the day it happens? I'll wait till it next happens and provide that log.

Thanks for the reply.