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Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - Printable Version

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Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - JazoBurbs - 2024-09-19

Hello -
I had this issue previous and I think it was due to when I tried to add my large music library. Deleting it helped and I haven’t added it back it.

Basically the media scan is stuck again. The only thing I see that could be the issue is a whole bunch of the below in the logs. Not sure what it means. After waiting a few minutes, I checked the logs again and there hasn’t been anything new. So nothing recording in the logs pertaining to the scan.

Does this give off any theories? I’d reeeeally like not to delete more libraries.

[2024-09-19 17:15:34.880 -04:00] [INF] [28] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 2", Path: "", Id: 49aefe21-ab26-8ea5-7de2-15110d0508e2
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.000 -04:00] [INF] [28] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 6 in series "XXXXX"
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.000 -04:00] [INF] [28] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 6", Path: "", Id: 7aa244c1-7a78-5003-57fc-bee63cbd7599
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.003 -04:00] [INF] [28] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 7 in series "XXXXXX"
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.004 -04:00] [INF] [28] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 7", Path: "", Id: 23819d02-a02e-bfbd-dc8f-b92de8778a1a
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.056 -04:00] [INF] [27] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 4 in series "YYYYYY"
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.056 -04:00] [INF] [27] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 4", Path: "", Id: 836adb03-c2d1-39f6-3910-2712fc48df01
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.122 -04:00] [INF] [39] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 2 in series "AAAAAA"
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.122 -04:00] [INF] [39] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 2", Path: "", Id: 1a8a6568-a379-92c0-b629-0e51c6aa5118
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.237 -04:00] [INF] [39] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.SeriesMetadataService: Removing virtual season 3 in series "BBBBBBB"
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.237 -04:00] [INF] [39] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season 3", Path: "", Id: 1c43578d-62d8-7611-9661-bc6b54814c17
[2024-09-19 17:15:35.251 -04:00] [INF] [39] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.S

RE: Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-19

Do you have LUFS scan enabled? This can take a while since it literally has to read every byte of every music file.

You can disable it in the library settings for the initial scan then reenable it and run the job.

RE: Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - JazoBurbs - 2024-09-19

Good to know re music but the above issue is happening with no music libraries added.

RE: Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - JazoBurbs - 2024-09-19

One theory I have is that I selected “Display Missing Episodes within Seasons” within the User Display settings. What’s interesting is that it references that that option will only work if it’s turned on at the library level (but there aren’t any controls for this there, only at the User Display level). I believe that kicked off all those logs when I went to turn this feature off. Now things stalled.

RE: Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-19

OK. The same thing applies if you've enabled trickplay and chapter image extraction when scanned into the library vs enabling them, but letting the scheduled task run those jobs separate from the library scan.

RE: Media Scan Stuck (96.6%) - JazoBurbs - 2024-09-19

Developing story...

I don’t think it’s trickplay. I have it unchecked when scanning. Plus trick play usually is on a separate scan line.

Few other details:
- Rescanned each library separately. No issues.
- Scan all media gets to 96% in about 3min. Then stalls indefinitely.