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Vidéo not playing - Printable Version

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Vidéo not playing - Rincevan - 2023-08-27

Hello every body. 
First, sorry for my english. 
I did not font my specific problème on the FAQ. 
So. I have installed Jellyfin on my qnap tvs hx. 
Every thing works fine. 
After a while i had a problem on the web browser i used to setup Jellyfin (chrome). I could not play vidéo. The playing logo never stop turning and nothing happened. I empty the memory of chrome but i have still the same problem. Then , i used Brave and the same problem happened After few days. So now i use Tor to make it works. On other computer in my home and outside my home it works fine. It seems that if do a lot of manipulation on a web browser, After a while i could not play vidéo.

Do you have any ideas where the problem Comes from ?
Thank you and sorry for my ugly english.

RE: Vidéo not playing - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-27

Can you share your jellyfin and ffmpeg logs with us? Upload them to pastebin and post the link here.

RE: Vidéo not playing - Rincevan - 2023-08-27

Hi, thanks for your answer. is there a way to clean the log ? it is to huge to export.

RE: Vidéo not playing - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-27

....How big are these logs?

Try zipping them and uploading the zip file to paste bin.

RE: Vidéo not playing - Rincevan - 2023-08-27

Hi Realy sorry I use the Paste Bin web version. I do not see how to upload a zip file.
here a share link for jellyfin log TXT file:

here a ffmpeg log:

the jellyfin log was 50mo.


RE: Vidéo not playing - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-27

(2023-08-27, 08:31 PM)Rincevan Wrote: the jellyfin log was 50mo.

No wonder.  It is full of this message.  Maybe something wrong with the permissions on one of the sub folders in that path?

Quote:[2023-08-27 19:19:24.787 +02:00] [ERR] [19] Emby.Server.Implementations.Dto.DtoService: Failed to determine primary image aspect ratio for "/share/ZFS530_DATA/.qpkg/jellyfin/database/metadata/library/65/65205f842d60aa05b0bf10649d25e41e/poster.jpg"

I don't see anything obviously wrong.  Other than there are quite a few users.

Can you give me an example movie and approximate time you had an issue.  Theres a lot going on in this log.

RE: Vidéo not playing - Rincevan - 2023-08-28

Hi. Thank you very much.

there is no specific Issue during the playing. In fact the playing does not start on the computer i use and webs browser i use to setup and update metadata of jellyfin.
Even if i empty the memory of the web browser: chrome and brave. It seems there is a conflict or a restriction when i do too much manipulations.
If i use TOR, it works fine. (on the same computer in LAN) it is why i thought about an IP restriction

No problem on the other PC of the home and outside the home.

By the way congratulations Jellyfin plays everything it is incredible !!! you are doing an amazing job you guys!

RE: Vidéo not playing - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-28

So you're trying to access Jellyfin from the computer running Jellyfin, but it isn't working? But accessing Jellyfin from OTHER computers works fine? But if you use TOR on the computer running Jellyfin, that also works. Did I get that right?

When you are on the computer running Jellyfin, what address do you type into the browser? "http://localhost:8096"?

What operating system is the Jellyfin server running on?

RE: Vidéo not playing - Rincevan - 2023-08-28

If by "running" you mean where is installed Jellyfin; It is running on the Qnap. so the operating systme i guess is linux.

For the rest you are correct. The PC i use, to manage jellyfin on the Qnap, acces to Jellyfin via this kind of adress: localhost:8096 (IP static). I can setup and manage Jellyfin on Chrome and Brave but impossible to play any media. The logo turn for ever. IF i use Tor i can play the video.
The problem appeared after many manipulation on Jellyfin (metadata update). first i used Chrome, when i could not play video on chrome i used brave and when brave did not played the video i used TOR.

it is not a big deal because it works fine for the other PCs in the house and outside home.

Just weirde ! I have seen a similar problem on an other forum but the guy never get any answer.